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The inner lining of the small intestines of a fetal pig contains many small ribbed indentations. These are absorption points for nutrients into the blood.

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Q: What can you see int he inner lining of the small intestines of a fetal pig?
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What is the difference between rugae and villi?

the rugae is found in the stomach. The villi is in the lining of the small intestines.

How is a fetal pig and sheep heart similar?

If you look at the back wall of a fetal pig heart, you will see a vessel that is large in size in a sheep compared to the small size of the fetal pig heart. In sheep, the hemiazygous vein develops a connection to the heart through what becomes the superior vena cava.

What position should the swallow poison victim be placed in?

On left side to position the end of the stomach where it enters the small intestines(pylorus) straight up. Gravity will delay by as much a 2 hours advancement of the poison into the small intestines where absorption into the victums circulatory system is faster.

What is the shape of the stomach in a frog?

In frogs and all other vertebrates lining of stomach and small intestine is made up of mucosa . But mucosa of small intestine possess villi which are finger like projections which increase surface are for absorption .Villi are absent in stomach .the lining in both frogs are think, but the stomach's is shorter than the intestine's In frogs and all other vertebrates lining of stomach and small intestine is made up of mucosa . But mucosa of small intestine possess villi which are finger like projections which increase surface are for absorption .Villi are absent in stomach .the lining in both frogs are think, but the stomach's is shorter than the intestine's

What advantages is are there in dissecting a fetal pig rather than other mammals?

The fetal pig is dissected in most classrooms today because of an accidental abortion. Meaningless to say, these pigs were not necessarily 'killed' but rather, died as the mother was pregnant. The pig's internals are very much similar to the human, so, we can say that you're looking into a small version of a 'human being' and not a fetal pig.

Related questions

What kind of epithelial cells form the inner lining of the small intestines?

Columnar epithelium forms the lining of the stomach and intestines

What are the small hair like organs lining the small intestines called?


Does a fetal pig have a mesentery membrane?

yep, it helps keep the small intestines in place

Can a toothpick kill someone?

A toothpick that is swallowed can puncture the lining of the stomach, small intestines, large intestines, colon, or can damage the rectum.

What is the weight of fetal pig intestines?

The weight of a fetal pig's small intestine is said to be about 8.13 g. The weight of its large intestine is said to be 3.03 g.

What does alcohol do to you large and small intestines?

Alcohol can damage the cells lining the stomach and intestines, which can block the absorption and breakdown of nutrients in those organs.

What is the difference between rugae and villi?

the rugae is found in the stomach. The villi is in the lining of the small intestines.

What is the importance of the mesentery in the fetal pig?

it coils up the small intestines and large intestine so they dont get tangled

What does the inside of the small intestines look like in a fetal pig?

The small intestine of a pig is a major site of nutrient absorption. The pancreas releases digestive enzymes into the small intestine, which break down nutrients from food. The nutrients are absorbed in the last section of the small intestine, and whatever is left passes to the large intestine.

What finger like projections lining the small intestines which increase surface area?

Villi (plural). Pronounced "vill-eye".

What are the mesenteries of a fetal pig?

They are thin transparent sheets of veiny tissue attached to the pig's small intestine that bring nourishment and oxygen to the intestines.

How is surface area maximized in the stomach and small intestines?

The stomach lining is quite smooth. The small intestine is lined with villi which increases surface area. Think of villi as little round popsicle sticks protruding from the lining.