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Red Star roosters are white, however any rooster can cover any hen, so long as he's big enough to do the job. You would just have mixed breed chicks. We have a pretty little mixed orange bantam roo with our Red Stars, Buff Orpingtons, and Road Island Reds (it was his decision, so we went with it out of amusement. He's fun to watch strutting around with his harem of big girls). We can pretty much assure people that their eggs are not fertilized as "George" can't reach.

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Q: What color rooster do you need to cover red star hens?
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Do you need a rooster for hens to lay?

No. Chickens will lay perfectly good eggs without a rooster. In fact, many people prefer not to keep a rooster, because they don't want to find a fertilized egg that was a little too far along.

How many hens do you need for two roosters?

usually the ratio of hens to rooster is about 15 hens for every rooster. If you keep them separated an extra rooster is not a problem but in a flock of 24 hens,you will have some squabbling between the dominant rooster and the #2 .

What are old chickens called?

Old chickens are called hens or stewing hens. These are chickens that no longer produce eggs. Their muscles are tough and need to be stewed a long time to become a delicious treat. They make good chicken soup.

Do you need a rooster to produce eggs?

NO, hens lay eggs without roosters at all. The only thing roosters do for eggs, is fertilize them (Threw Mating) so that a chick can hatch.

Is 4 roosters too many for 6 hens?

Better to say 4 roosters is too many for 4 roosters. The 6 hens can wait a bit and soon there will be one rooster a-go-go, one in the hereafter, one running away, and one squating on the ground. The hens could deal with 6 roosters, but the big boy a go-go won't stand for more than him with his flock. actually 1 rooster needs 5 hens to be satisfied other wise roosters will fight One rooster will service (fertilize the eggs of) up to 6 hens. If you have more than 6 hens, you will need another rooster. 4 roosters on 6 hens is not good. The roosters will fight and the hens will be exhausted running from all the roosters.

Related questions

Do you need a rooster for hens to lay?

No. Chickens will lay perfectly good eggs without a rooster. In fact, many people prefer not to keep a rooster, because they don't want to find a fertilized egg that was a little too far along.

Is it possible to have 3 hens and get an egg with an embryo inside?

If you only have hens then no it is not possible. You need a rooster with the hens to get an embryo.

How many hens do you need for two roosters?

usually the ratio of hens to rooster is about 15 hens for every rooster. If you keep them separated an extra rooster is not a problem but in a flock of 24 hens,you will have some squabbling between the dominant rooster and the #2 .

What are old chickens called?

Old chickens are called hens or stewing hens. These are chickens that no longer produce eggs. Their muscles are tough and need to be stewed a long time to become a delicious treat. They make good chicken soup.

With Rhode Island Red hens do you need a Rhode Island Red rooster to produce RIR chicks or will any kind of rooster do?

yes and no. i you want to produce pure bred RIR you must get a RIR Rooster. If you don't care if they are purebred you can get any breed of rooster. ..prinsesrau answer.... hens can have part rir chicks if there rir or if the rooster is. yes it depends if u weant pure rir if that is the case hen and rooster need to be rir

Is it ok to have hens without roosters?

4 hens per rooster is a better ratio. Roosters often "rough up" the hens when they breed, so having more hens will prevent any one hen from being picked on too much. I know lots of people who feel like 8 hens per rooster is about the maximum the average rooster can handle.

Does the chicken fertlize her eggs?

No. Hens need a rooster to supply the sperm sac. One mating is enough to keep the hen fertile for about 8 to 10 days but needs renewal after that time. The hens egg is fertilized at the beginning of ovulation from sperm stored in the hens infundibulum after mating with a rooster.

What do you mean by unfertilised eggs?

Eggs are fertilized by a rooster, hens do not need a rooster to produce an egg, they will do this with or without mating. Eggs available at the grocery store are produced by hens that never have contact with a male bird. Fresh eggs bought from a farm or roadside stand are likely to have been fertilized since most farms keep a rooster both to protect the hens and to renew stock as the hens age out each year..

Do you need a rooster to make a egg?

You do not need a rooster for a hen to lay eggs. A well feed, happy hen of appropriate age will lay about one egg a day. If a rooster is around the eggs will be fertilized and you get more chickens, if not you get yummy eggs to eat.

Can a hen produce eggs without sex?

Absolutely yes. A hen does not need a rooster to produce eggs, she only produces fertile eggs when a rooster is involved. Many farm flocks do not have a rooster among the flock and egg production does not suffer in the slightest. A rooster job is to protect the flock and mate with the hens to produce offspring but the hens will continue to lay eggs with or without him.

Do laying hens need a rooster to produce an egg daily?

NO, hens don't need a rooster to lay at ALL. The amount of eggs laid, varys between the Age,Breed, and happiness of the hen. Good layers are Rhode Island Reds,Barbed Rock,Aracona,Americona,and many more. The only need for a rooster when it comes to eggs, is to fertilize them (threw Mating) so a chick will hatch.

Do you need a rooster to produce eggs?

NO, hens lay eggs without roosters at all. The only thing roosters do for eggs, is fertilize them (Threw Mating) so that a chick can hatch.