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Q: What controls the opening and closing of the clam valves?
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What controls the opening and closing of a clam Need fast help please?

the adavctor muscle

What are the parts of a clam's nervous system?

The clam can survive with only 3 pairs of ganglia. Two pairs control the open and closing of the shell, will the pedal controls the foot of the clam.

What are the two shells of a clam held by?

The hinge ligament hold the two shells together as well as the adductor muscles which controls the opening and closing of the bivalve.

How do you get the pearl from the giant clam?

wait untill it closes then run up to it and you have to avoid the clam from closing.

Where is the mantle located in the clam?

Between the 2 valves

What is the function of the tooth-like projections at the dorsal edge of the clam's valves?

to allow the clam to filter feed

What do the toothlike projections do on a clams valves?

to allow the clam to filter feed

How do you get clams to naturally open without you opening it?

I am not sure how to get a clam to open naturally. The way I have known to open a clam is by hand.

Can you determine the right and left valves of the clam?

To determine the right and left valves of the clam, put the valve in your hand with the nacre facing you and the beak pointing up. If the beak is toward the right, it is the left valve, and if it is toward the left, it is the right valve.

Is a clam a mollusk?

Yes, a clam is a mollusk. Clams have soft bodies, which typify mollusks. Clams are part of a sub-family of mollusks called bi-valves.

What holds the two valves together in a clam?

The clam does. Clams and other bivalves have very strong muscles that hold the shells tightly closed whenever they're in danger.

What is the function of the tooth-like projections at the dorsal edge of the clams valves?

to allow the clam to filter feed