

What did the anomalocaris eat?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What did the anomalocaris eat?
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What epoch did the Anomalocaris live in?

ordovican period

What is an Anomalcaris?

Anomalocaris is an extinct genus of early animal. It lived in the Cambrian and is the world's first super-predator.

When did the Anomalocaris become extinct?

Anomalocaris Canadensis, which means "unlike the other shrimp, from Canada", became extinct for the same reason many other Cambrian Era species did, glaciers. These moving glaciers reduced the temperature and amount of air in the shallow sea. This contributed to a mass extinction.

What does anorith look like?

Anorith is based on the Anomalocaris. Anomalocaris is a creature that lived 500 million years ago in the oceans of Earth. It's name means "Abnormal Shrimp" it had feathery appendages on it's sides, two large claw arms at the front of it's head and a pair of eye stalks.

Do sea-monkeys look like the Sea-Monkeys in a show?

No. REAL Sea-Monkies look like Anomalocaris (no relation!) without fangs.

What era did the Anomalocaris live?

The genus of Anomalocaris lived in the Paleozoic Era. This included the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian periods. Anomalocaris lived in the Early to Mid Cambrian Period (age of trilobites and Anomalocarids, including Anomalocaris) between 525 and 520 million years ago, but evolution kept it's descendants in existence until the late Devonian! Anomalocaris lived in almost the entire southern hemisphere at her peak. Anomalocaris was about a metre long, making it the biggest creature at the time. The aquatic beasts ate a diet of a wide variety of trilobites using some dragonfly-like eyes to spot them and rattling armor plates to propel themselves chase them. Anomalocaris was so successful that it evolved into a startling 6-8 other organisms (depending if Kerymachela and Pambdelurion are actually Anomalocarids). In comparison, less successful Australopithecus (human ancestor) evolved into only 1 or 2 other cavemen species. However, even the most successful come to an end. In the Tornian Turnover in the mid Cambrian Anomalocaris itself went extinct. At the Cambrian's catastrophic ending all of it's descendants disappear from the fossil record. Strangely, another Anomalocarid appears in the Mid Devonian (age of Placoderms and Early Amphibians). In the Late Devonian extinction the line of primitive Arthropods (bugs) went extinct with the final Anomalocarid, Schinderhannes, going extinct. However, distant relatives (and favorite meals) Trilobites would survive. They evolved into all arachnids, bugs with 8 legs. This includes scorpions, spiders, mites, and harvestmen, for example. Less closely related proto-arthropods Hallucigenia would evolve into all centipedes and millipedes. Finally, highly unrelated proto-arthropod Forfexicarids would evolve into crustaceans and insects.

What did the pikaia eat?

Pikas are herbivores they mainly eat grass,shrubs, twigs, sedges,moss, and lichens.

What were the natural predators of trilobites?

Any carnivorous creature at that time that lived in the ocean and had a mouth big enough to eat one...they were'nt picky. The above answer is obviously far too vague and is not quite correct. Instead I offer the following: Trilobites were early relatives of the arthropods. They had ways of protecting themselves with an exoskeleton and also with spines. Evidently they were not just an available food source for whatever had a large enough mouth and happened to be hungry! Anomalocaris was one of the natural predators of the trilobites and it is also thought to be related to the arthropods. Scientists have found fossilized trilobites that have been attacked and killed by these creatures. The bite marks match perfectly with the mouth of the anomalocaris so it is apparently true.

What was the dominant animal of the cretaceous period?

Early Paleozoic is pretty long time, so you have to be more specific about that. Probably one of the most dominant creatures that ever evolved was Anomalocaris (from Cambrian period). Most of the animals from that time couple of inches long, while Anomalocaris was 2 meters long. Also giant scorpions, like world famous Jaekelopterus rhenaniae were also top predators of it's days.

Where did the brontoscorpio once live?

They had lived on Earth during the Silurian Period as predators of the fish with no maxillary called the -"Cephalaspis" 416 million years ago. It is considered as the grandchild of the first super predator of the world called the- "Anomalocaris".>>hope that this helped u a lot!!xD

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eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it