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Q: What do you call a place where horses are group before a race?
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Related questions

What do you call a gathering of horses?

a group of horses is a Herd

What do you call a lot of horses together?

Horses are just called "horses" unless they are in a group together. When horses get in a group together, they are then called a "herd".

What do you call al ot of horses?

A Group Of Horses Together Is Called A Herd Of Horses . xxx

What do you call a group of wild horses or mustangs?

A herd.

Is a mustang a group of horses?

A mustang is one of the feral horses that inhabit much of America. (It is incorrect to call them wild horses as they are not truly wild; they are the descendants of horses belonging to Spanish settlers which have become feral.) A group of horses is called a herd.

What do you call the group of horses lumped together for betting purposes?

it is called a parimutual entry

Do you call a group of horses a flock of horses?

Yes. For a horse, his only safety is in the herd. This is why so many horses are herd bound, or buddy sour. They feel like they are in danger when they aren't with their herd.

Can you place a bet at the call to the post time in a horse race?

Yes, you can place bets until the horses are running.

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What is a horse that refuses to leave a group of other horses?

The horse is what you call "herd bound" horses that don't like to leave the barn are called "barn sour". You can cure a horse of either of these by whenever they make a fuss, go to the place they don't want to leave, then make them work harder there than they were before they were troublesome. Pretty soon they will get the idea that it is more fun to go some where than to work hard at home.

What do you call a group of farmers stuck at one place?

kisan jam

What is a horses call?

a horses call is a whinney-high pitched long sound