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a bandage or a boot

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Q: What do you wrap around a horse's leg in a competition?
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Do calves wrap around your leg when they grow stronger?

No. Calves are the large muscles on the back side of your lower leg. They can grow and shrink, but they will never wrap around to the front. There are different muscles in the front, and they might possibly touch, but they'll never wrap around. Muscles are connected to bones by tendons, and in order for a muscle to actually wrap around a leg, it would have to disconnect a tendon and somehow move it around to the other side.

Can you wrap an ace bandage around your hamsters leg?

NO this was once a wild animal (or as wild as an animal can be in capitivity) don't wrap a plaster round it's leg

What can you do about leg bruises?

nothing, but to reduce getting bruises just wrap some bubble wrap around your legs and put on a pair of sweat pants. that's what I do.

How do you put bandages on horses?

The best general topical product for wounds on a horse is a basic triple antibiotic ointment according to information presented at the 2006 AAEP meeting. It helps to prevent infection and provides a good environment for healing tissues. However, all leg wounds need to be assessed individually as some require more extensive medical care.

What are horses legs called?

A horses leg is called a leg, but it has several names for different areas of the leg like cannon, hock and gaskin.

How do you make pants on a Harumika mannequin?

first choose a cloth design, then wrap it around the mannequin's leg and stab the mannequin with a stick

How do you bandage a horse's legs for trailering?

you can use polo wraps. They are soft cotton material that you wrap around the leg below the knee.

What do horses use there leg for?

Horses are quadrupeds and have four legs. They use their legs to move around, scratch itches, dig holes, touch things, and for defense.

What does horse leg brushing mean?

its to brush down a horses leg

Why do horses have toes?

Horses do not have toes, they have 1 hoof on each leg.

What do you do with horses with bowed tendons?

You should take the horse to a vet. Be sure to wrap the leg and ice it every day with an ice pack. Take the horse for walks but do not ride it until your vet gives the say-so.

What is Elastikon?

Elastikon is a surgical type tape that is often used on a horses legs after an injury to keep a wrap in place. It is VERY sticky, and quite strong. Be careful to never apply Elastikon on a horses lower leg too tight. It can restrict blood flow and cause a tendon injury.