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Dogs don't see people as onwers, they see us as other dogs and if you do not assert dominance with the entire family that dog has a higher chance to turn on the ceaser the dog whisperer on tv and USE ALL of his techniques they actually work

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Q: What does a dog do if you start to pretend to be a dog?
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When will your dog start making a milk bag?

My dog is a boy without thumbs, so he will never make milk bags. Ill pretend the question came from an adult, and say....before the puppies are born.

How do you party train a dog?

You can make a pretend party with your dog then take him \ her to a public party. I tried it with my dog and it worked.

Can a dog be a unicorn?

If you strap a horn to it's head, you can pretend it is

How do you make your dad get you a dog?

Get a stuffed animal and pretend its a dog and show him that you are responsible enough! Or beg beg beg and beg

How do you pretend to shoot your dog while going bang and make him play dead?


Is it bad to ignore your dog?

If you start to ignore your dog, then your dog will start to ignore you back. This will then prevent your dog associating with you.

What can you do if you miss your dog?

Keep a picture or something that belonged to your dog and keep it near you you wont feel sad any More. Or you can just pretend your dog is still there and you wont feel sad.

What are some words start with p and end with d?

proud, plaid, pretend

Is it normal for a girl to pretend to be one of her friends through text to start a conversation?


How do you write a paragraph about a dog?

. Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? How would you describe a dog to your friend? What are some facts about dogs? What do dogs mean to you? If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

What side does a dog have to start weave poles?

A dog has to start on the right side

What should you do if your dog is coughing up blood?

Please take your dog to the vet. I won't pretend to know the answer to that question, but with something like that I wouldn't trust anyone but an expert.