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Teeth, jaws, tongue, saliva.

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Q: What does a horse have that helps it eat?
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What eats a appaloosa horse?

Well no matter what breed a horse is they all eat the same so Apps eat grass, corn, oats, hay, grass, carrots, apples, and some extras just like any other horse would. Hoep that helps =)

What does the arabion horse eat?

What does the Arabian horse eat

Are there animals that eats horse?

Lions eat Zebras which are similar to a horse. They would eat a horse.

Why can't horses eat chocolate?

Well that all depends on how much chocalote your horse got, if it wasn't much your horse should be fine but if your horse starts to sweat, or collic than you should probably get medical care for your horse. Hoope that helps you =)

What does a white horse eat?

a white horse eat hay and grass

Am I going to eat a horse tonight?

You are certainly not going to eat an entire horse. However, depending on where you live, it is not impossible that you will eat horse meat.

What fish eat horse mussels?

puffer fish eat horse mussels

What hourses eat?

Horse's eat...Grass, Oats, Horse feed, Etc...

What are predators of a horse?

People eat horse.

Can Grooming helps the horse breathe?

No, this has nothing to do with a horse breathing.

Can a horse eat another animal?

No. A horse is a herbivore, so it can only eat plants.

What part of the horse was corn beef originally from before it was illegal to eat horse meat?

It is not illegal to eat horse meat. It is illegal to sell horse meat.