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Usaully if it is a dog it is that the anal sacs need to be expressed, or worms or Allergies. With cat's I would suspect worms or allergies.

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13y ago

It is probably a sign that your cat has worms, or some other digestive tract condition. You need to take your kitty to the vet and have it checked out.

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Q: What does it mean when a cat drags it's rear end on floor?
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Probably has a bad itch, but you might want to have a Vet check it out. If it's just used the cat box, it means that it has had a really disgusting business in there and doesn't want to lick the remains off of its business end, so the cat rubs it off on the floor.

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Why do cats drag their butts across the carpet?

if your cat drags their butts across the carpet or wood floor that usually means that they are trying to clean their butts but they cant. So you should clean it for them. Either clean their butts with a wet wipe a wash- cloth or a wet paper towel then simply dry their butt.

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Scratching the floor doesn't mean he doesn't like his food. Cats scratch the floor by their food for the same reason they scratch around the litterbox: to cover it. Cats hide their food in the wild by covering it up.

How do you put forest floor in a sentences?

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Why is your trained adult cat deficating on the floor when you are not home?

He might be a dependent cat that needs attention and love, so when you are gone, he is stressed and does his thing on the floor.

How do you act like a cat?

by a cat costume and keep it on all day and meow like a cat crawl like a cat on the floor