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They symbolize beautie,

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Q: What does snake bite piercings represent?
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Does gettin snake bite piercings hurt?

not at all

What happens to your snake bite piercings when you grow older?

The best course of action is to never get a snake bite piercing.

Snake bite piercings?

Snakebites are when you have two lip piercings, one either side on the bottom of your lip.

What does Snake Bite Piercings mean?

Snake bites are piercings that go under the lip symmetrical on each side. you can get studs or rings that go through your mouth and back out.

How do i make my snake bite lip piercings even?

get them professionally done at a good shop

How bad does snake bite piercings hurt?

They feel like getting your ear pierced on your lip.

Can I get two snake bite rings if I'm 16?

You can get two snake bite rings at the age of 16 of piercings are allowed at the age of 16 in your state. Every state has different rules.

Can you put tapers in snake bite piercings?

You can use tapers to stretch them up but you can't wear them....for obvious reasons.

What is the difference between snake bite spider bite and angel bite piercings?

Spider bites are two piercings on one side. Snake bites are one piercing on the left and one piercing on the right (both are on bottom lip). Angel bites are one piercing on the left Nd one piercing on the right (both are on the top lip).

When should you get snake bite piercings?

When you are ready and old enough to get them and understand the aftercare requirements. Well check with your local tattooing company and check.

Is it dangerous to get snake bite piercings?

There is more than one type of 'black snake', and depending on where in the world you encountered this snake its bite may or may not be venomous. If it is venomous, or if you're not sure whether or not it is, you should seek medical attention after being bitten. If not, be sure to clean out the bite well and bandage it properly, and if it becomes infected, be sure to see a doctor.

What is it when you have three lip piercings on one side?

Right and left lip is called Snake Bites, the center piercing is a labret piercing.