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Q: What domestic animals is a seasonal polyestrous animal?
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Find the animal that migrates due to seasonal factors?

There are hundreds of thousands of such animals. Ay animal migration is likely to be due to seasonal factors.

Why is the temperature of a domestic bird and a domestic animal different?

Because they are different animals

Are lungs differ in domestic animal?

Lungs do not differ that much in domestic animals. These animals need oxygen just like the animals that are in the wild.

What animal are not tamed or domestic?

Wild animals?

How will domestic animal escape from wild animals?

It really depends on which two animals are at it. It also depends on the personality of the animal.

What domestic animal can move its jaw sideways?

There are many domestic animals that have the ability to move their jaw sideways. One of these animals is the human.

Is deer a domestic or wild animal?

They could be if they were farmed or in a petting zoo, but the majority are in the wild and as a whole they are not considered domestic animals.

What is management and care of domestic animals called?

animal husbandry

Is rabbit domestic animals?

The rabbit is a domestic animal and is a popular pet. There are also wild rabbits that are not domesticated.

What is animal feed?

Animal feed is material of animal or vegetable origin, prepared as feed for domestic or farm animals.

What type of animal is abused the most wild or pets?

domestic animals

What animals need a licence?

Any animal that isn't considered domestic