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You risk having it fail. Birth Control works by having a constant level of synthetic hormones that prevent your ovaries from preparing/releasing eggs (known as ovulation). If you take the pill at different times each day, you risk having the levels of synthetic hormone drop and allowing an egg to be released (and possibly allowing yourself to become pregnant).

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Q: What happens when you take birth control at different times?
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Will taking birth control and different times of the day make a period late?

Yes. As directed by all doctors and on the instruction labels of all birth control pills, you are supposed to take your birth control everyday and at the same time. If you take your birth control at different times everyday, it is not allowing the birth control to adapt in your body the way it is supposed to and it decreases the effectiveness of the birth control as well. Some side effects of taking your pill at different times of each day may include: pregnancy, late/irregular periods, and spotting or breakthrough bleeding.

When you get the implanon birth control does it reset your periods?

It will change your periods but they will still be there but you will just have them at different times of the month.

What happens if you put a birth control patch on the same place 3 times?

There is no problem with using the same site for the birth control patch each week. Only someone whose skin is irritated in that spot must find a new site.

Period on birth control?

depends on the birth control. if you're taking the regular pills, you'll still get your period, but, unlike mine, it wont be at wacky times.

Can taking birth control at different times of the day make you feel sick?

Yes it can. Taking the pill at the same time everyday will help get rid of the nauseating feeling

Can you get pregnant while spotting because of messing up birth control?

Yes you can. That is how most people get pregnant when they are on birth control. You should always use a second birth control method, like condoms, at all times any way

Is it normal not to get your period at all while on birth control?

Yes. Some birth control methods stops a women from getting a period for up to 15-18 months at times. Especially if you are using the Depo-provera birth control shot.

What form of birth control did people use in ancient times?

See the discussions at the links provided below. Then google "ancient birth control" for millions of more entries.

What happens if your period doesnt come can you still take birth conrol?

Sometimes when your period doesn't come it's due to stress and most times it's because of pregnancy so to be sure take pregnancy test before using birth control.

Does the nicotine patch affect birth control?

There are no known drug interactions between Nyquil and the birth control pill.I've taken NyQuil and dayquil with velivet birth control and some times I do fine while other times I get a bit nauseous. When I eat a healthy I feel much better but I have vomited afterwards due to not eating well. So if it is absolutely necessary, you are more prone to getting sick if you do not it a good nutricious meal. However, different things work differently for different people so good luck.

What are the psychological of natural and artificial method in birth control?

Psychologically, you need to decide whether or not you can handle pregnancy. Natural birth control doesn't work, because you can get pregnant at ALL times of the month. If you use "artificial" birth control, you need to use it properly to be protected.

Is it normal to start your period in the first two weeks of taking birth control?

Yes. When you start taking birth control pills, your menstrual cycle will usually change. It will become lighter and less irregular. But when you start the pill, your menstrual cycle has to get use to the changes, and will start your cycle early because it will now be different because of the birth control pills. Your periods might be irregular the first couple of times after starting the pill