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Your cat needs to see a vet--possibly a splinter or something else has become infected. Also, check to see that there isn't a rubber band or another object constricting the foot.

above poster is right all ill add is that you should get to a vet asap because infections if left can get very serious and damage its health in general not just the leg.

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Q: What if your cat's paw swells up and one of his toes has puss coming out it?
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Do all Calico Cats have six toes?

No, not all calico cats have six toes

How many toes can a cat have in all?

Cats dont have toes they have paws silly

Do burmese cats have six or more toes?

They can, yes, but it is not a breed standard. Some cats can have a genetic deformity that sometimes makes them have six or more toes.

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What kind of cat has 6 toes on each paw?

they are call Hemingway's cats or polydactyl they can range form 6 toes on up the most i have seen is 8 toes my mate says there the Karl petrieas disease and that all cats will die because of the disease spread by Karl.

How many tose does cats have?

As many as we do, but their fifth toes are on their ankles.

How many toes do cats have on front foot?

Typically a cat will have five toes, four on the front of the foot and one up towards the heel. Each toe has a claw, but only the four at the front of the foot also have hairless "pads". The central pad on a cat's foot is not a toe but what would be the ball of a human's foot. Polydactyl cats--having six toes--became famous when Hemingway adopted one. Many "barn" cats are this type of cat.

How many toes do cats have all together?

Normal cats have 4 on each of the front paws and a dew claw, and 4 each on the back. So that is 18 total. Although, some housecats, due to polydactyly can have up to 7 toes on each paw.

Are Hemingway cats outdoor cats?

it is a cat with extra toes. For example: if front paws have 6 or more toes, or if back paws have 5 or more toes it is concidered a hemmingway

Is it bad if your kittens have extra toes?

Not necessarily. Cats who have extra toes are called "polydactyl cats." This is caused by a genetic mutation. Their paws may look like they have thumbs or mittens, and it is not dangerous to a cat's health. Sometimes, these cats are actually bred for the extra toes. On the other hand, there are cases in which it can be a potentially serious problem. This is a condition called radial hypoplasia, in which the extra toes are not separate from the normal toes but are adjacent to them. This makes the cat's foot appear flat instead of like a mitten.

What tigers have four toes and a palm?

All of them. All tigers have four toes on their back paws, and five toes on their front paws. Just like normal domestic cats.

If a tiger has no feet then why can he walk?

because he has paws with pads, toes and claws, just like cats, dogs, and other quadropeds.because he has paws with pads, toes and claws, just like cats, dogs, and other quadropeds.