

What is Altitudinal migration?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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a migration that take place over very short distances from a higher altitude to a lower one.

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Q: What is Altitudinal migration?
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What is to move from place to place?


What is the difference between migrate and migration?

migrate is a verb, it expresses action. 'They migrate every year.' migration is a noun, it express a thing. 'Every year there is a massive migration.

How far does a narwhal travel in migration?


The animal that makes the longest migration?

Sooty shearwaters migrate nearly 40,000 miles ayear

How many kinds of migration is there?

As far as animal migration goes there are four major types of migration are known. In complete migration, all members of a population travel from their breeding habitat at the end of that season, often to a wintering site hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away. The arctic tern is an example of a complete migrant. Individuals of this species travel from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back again during the course of a year, a round-trip migration of more than 30,000 kilometers! In other species, some individuals remain at the breeding ground year-round while other members of the same species migrate away. This phenomenon is known as partial migration. American robins are considered indicators of the arrival of spring in some areas but are year-round residents in other areas.Differential migration occurs when all the members of a population migrate, but not necessarily at the same time or for the same distance. The differences are often based on age or sex. Herring gulls, for example, migrate a shorter and shorter distance as they grow older. Male American kestrels spend more time at their breeding grounds than do females, and when they do migrate, they don't travel as far.Irruptive migration occurs in species that do not migrate at all during some years but may do so during other years. The primary factors determining whether or not migration occurs are weather and availability of food. For example, some populations of blue jays are believed to migrate only when their winter food of acorns is scarce.Read more: