

What is Structual adaptation?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is Structual adaptation?
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It adapts with its large range of food in its diet, from bugs, to small mammals, to plants, and eggs, also being nocturnal.

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a structual adaptation of a panda is that a panda has tow extra toes and it healps them to clime trees and grab bamboo.a phisiological adaptation is that they produce enzyme to digestntheir food. a behavioral adaptation that pandas have is that they are very slow because of their main food source.

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Chameleons have the ability to change colour, and blend in with their surroundings. They do this to avoid being eaten. Certain Snakes have venom in which they inject into enimies. And turtled have shells.. oh wait thats a structual adaptation. WOOPS ahaha no worries.. i am a science teacher you can trust me.

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