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Bald-faced hornets not safe look on Google

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Q: What is a black and white bee and it it safe?
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What caterpillars are yellow black and white?

That is a monarch caterpillar it will have orange and black on its wings

What wasp or bee is black with white stripes And hovers the ground?


What bee is white and black strips?

It could be a white faced hornet. Stay away. If they sting you. It's going to hurt a lot!Not if it is a bee, they are much smaller than hornets,,,,There are lots of species of bees, don't assume they will sting, they endangered and are an asset rather than a pest. These are probably mining bees.Andrena cineraria or Melecta albifrons Mining bees.

Do black and white look good together?

Black and White are the ultimate dream combo... it's the classic colors, you can always be safe in a black and white combo.

Are the bee gees black?

No, they're white guys from Australia (though born in the British Isles).

What kind of flying insect had a black and white body 4 orange and 4 black legs with a long thin stinger?

Black jacket bee

What bee is black furry with yellow stripes on belly?

it is a bumblebee and the skinnier version is a wasp or hornet.

A bee looking insect that lives in a paper hive that appears to be black with white markings?

The insect described sounds like a baldfaced hornet. They make a paper hive and have black and white markings.

What kind of bee is fuzzy black less than one half inch?

leaf-cutter. Pictures on google don't show it. But on a site someone put a picture pf a bee with white and black stripes and was very fuzzy and they called it a LEAF-CUTTER.

What bug is about 1 long and is black with white or yellow stripes and burrows a hole about 1 wide and pushes the dirt out ahead of it's head?

sounds like a bee to me

What is a black and green bee?

A black and green bee is called a Megachile xylocopoides. The Megachile xylocopoides is also known as a carpenter bee.

How are the bee hummingbird the same as the white dove?

what is the diffrerence between a white dove and a bee hummingbird