

What is a cann?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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its were a human eats another human.
its were a human eats another human.

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Q: What is a cann?
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Do lions drool?

Yes, lions can drool like other mammals. They may drool in response to stress, excitement, or anticipation of food. Drooling is a natural physiological response in many animals.

Are yaks wild or tame?

Yaks are wild and sometimes tame depending how/where they were bought up as young if they was bought up in the wild then they would be wild, if they were bought up in captivity or around humans/man kind then the will be tame but they cann always turn suddenly on you.

What is the most harmless animal?

One contender for the most harmless animal could be the pygmy rabbit. These small rabbits are herbivores and tend to be shy and non-aggressive, posing little to no threat to other animals or humans. However, all animals have the potential to defend themselves if they feel threatened, so it is important to treat even the most harmless animals with respect.

How much should you sell your guinea pigs for?

The price at which you sell your guinea pigs will depend on various factors such as their breed, age, health, and market demand. Research the current prices of guinea pigs in your area and consider factors like the cost of care and any special characteristics of your guinea pigs before setting a price. It is important to ensure that the price you set is fair and reflects the value of the animals you are selling.

What is the cause of extinction of the elephant?

Elephants contain valuable parts such as ivory, large bones and meat. Poachers will hunt and kill elephant after elephant just to obtain these precious valuables to sell or to own. Poachers do not care that they are ruthlessly killing a beautiful species, they only seem to care about the price of money they get for the trophies that they have collected from their murders. It is illegal to poach elephants so ivory, bones and meat is usually sold on the black market. Another reason is that elephants also have dental problems because throughout their life, an elephant's teeth will wear out and then they grow new ones. But when their teeth finally wear out for good, they can no longer eat food that they require and they die of starvation. Also, a female elephant will be pregnant for two years before they actually give birth.

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When was Warren Cann born?

Warren Cann was born in 1950.

When was Lionel Cann born?

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When was Mike Cann born?

Mike Cann was born in 1965.

What is Cann Hall's population?

The population of Cann Hall is 00.

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Gerald A. Cann was born in 1931.

When did Billy Cann die?

Billy Cann died in 1958.

When was Billy Cann born?

Billy Cann was born in 1882.

When was Johnson Cann born?

Johnson Cann was born in 1937.

When was Abraham Cann born?

Abraham Cann was born in 1794.

When did Abraham Cann die?

Abraham Cann died in 1864.

When was Darren Cann born?

Darren Cann was born in 1968.

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William Ferris Cann has written: 'The story of John Cann, 1645-1694' 'The story of John Cann, 1645-1694, of Delaware and his descendants'