

What is furrowing?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Furrowing is the process of making a rut, groove, or trail in the ground of the surface of any certain object.

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What is term for the division of the cytoplasm during mitosis?

Cytokineses is the term used for division of cytoplasm. It is achieved by cell plate formation or by furrowing. In most of the plant cells cell plate formation is common. In animal cells and in bacteria it is by furrowing.

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Cytokinesis in plants takes place by cell plate formation whereas in animal cells it is by furrowing.

Cytokinesis in animal cells is called?

In animal cells, cytokinesis occurs by a process called cleavage. The first sign of cleavage is the appearance of of a Cleavage furrow.

How does an aimal cell differ from a plant cell during cell division?

Cell division in animals take place by furrowing whereas in plants it is achieved by cell plate formation.

What is the noun of the word furrow?

The word Furrow is itself a noun. It means a long line or hollow in a surface. Perhaps it can also be a verb, furrowing something for instance would be making a line in an object.

How does cytokinesis occur in plant cells with how it occurs in animal cell?

Each part of the pinched off cytoplasm contains its own nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles.

Does a plant cell have a furrow in the middle of the cell membrane?

I have never heard of a furrow but furrowing is the process during cell replication when an animal cell splits into 2 new cells by "pinching" the 2 halves of the cell apart down the center of the cytoplasm.

What is the difference between cytokines in plant and animal cells?

yes. cytokinins are hormones that stimulate shoot growth in plants.

What is meant by cleavage furrow during telophase?

Cleavage furrow is how cytokinesis take place in animal cells.It take place after telo phase.Cytokinesis is the process which divide cell into two new cells compleating the cell cycle.Actin filaments form a belt in the equtor of the cell.Then it contract.It is called cleavage furrowing.