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Cecotropy is the process by which rabbits will reingest part of their feces by eating them directly from the rectum. Rabbits only ingest the soft "night" feces or cecotrophs. Hence the word Cecotropy.

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13y ago
Rabbits don't really eat their feces; they eat their cecotropes. This natural process is called "cecotrophy" (also sometimes spelled "caecotrophy"). Some people call "coprophagy," but this isn't technically correct as "coprophagy" refers to the eating of feces, but cecotropes (also known as cecal pellets or "night feces") are not technically feces because they aren't waste matter: rather, they're an important part of a rabbit's digestive system. Cecotrophy is a way for rabbits to redigest their food in order to get the most nutritional benefits out of it (in principle, cecotrophy in rabbits is comparable to chewing the cud in cows).
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The act of rabbits eating their feces is called coprophagy. Rabbits do this to reingest nutrients from their feces that were not fully absorbed during the initial digestion process.

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Q: What is it called when rabbits eat their feces?
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Why do bunny eat there poop?

Rabbits make two different kinds of droppings: feces, and cecotropes. Feces are the normal small hard balls left behind by rabbits in their litter boxes and around their habitat. Cecotropes are not often seen, because they are eaten by the rabbit from the anus, in a form of reingestion called "cecotrophy." A rabbit that is seen to chew and spit out his or her feces may have accidentally taken the feces in his mouth while ingesting cecotropes, or he may have found the feces in his territory and given it a little nibble to determine who put it there. These behaviours are unusual but not necessarily anything to worry about; however, as always when you notice your rabbit performing a new or odd behaviour, keep close eye on him and bring him to the vet's at first sign of illness. If your rabbit is healthy and normal in all other ways, just make a note of the odd event and bring it up at your next regular vet appointment. See the related questions below for more details.

Do wild rabbits eat bird seed?

Rabbits are herbivores- they eat plants. Tame and wild rabbits. Rabbits and mice are both in the same family, and they would never eat each other. Rabbits teeth and digestive system are meant to consume natural vegetation (grass, lettuce etc) not meat. Even if a rabbit WERE to TRY meat, it would most likely become seriously sick and it might be fatal.

Do cows eat feces?


What rabbits eats?

Rabbits mainly eat hay, fresh vegetables, fruits, and a small amount of pellets. It's important to provide a balanced diet for optimal health and digestion. Avoid feeding them foods that are high in sugar, fat, or toxic to rabbits.

What are rabbits also called?

Rabbits are also called bunnies.

Related questions

Do baby rabbits eat their feces?

No rabbits eat their feces, although all rabbits eat cecotropes. Rabbits have two kinds of droppings: feces, and cecotropes. Baby rabbits that aren't weaned yet eat their mother's cecotropes; once they're weaned, they eat their own cecotropes.

Do you need to let your rabbits eat their own feces?

Yes, you must let your rabbits eat their own feces because it's an important part of their digestive system. Rabbits need to eat their feces in order to get all the nutrients they need out of their food. If a rabbit is prevented from eating it's feces, it will become ill. (Actually, to be technical, rabbits don't eat their feces at all: they eat their cecotropes, although it looks like they're eating their feces.) See the related questions below for more details.

Do rabbit eat feces?

Yes, rabbits do indeed eat their own feces. Rabbits are vegans, and like most vegan animals, their digestive tract is not long enough to fully extract the nutrients from what they eat. So they will eat it again. Deer tend to like to eat rabbit feces too, so if you find a pile of rabbit feces, there may be deer nearby.

Which rabbits eat their soft forces?

Are you meaning soft feces??? Every rabbit has a soft night time feces. Most eat it before you ever see it. It aides in their digestion of foods.

Do butterflies eat feces?

Butterflies eat feces. The consumption of feces is called coprophagia. Butterflies also eat tree sap, decaying fruit, and drink nectar from flowers.

Rabbits eat grass and foxes eat rabbits is called a?

food chain

Are there vitamins in rabbit feces?

There are no vitamins or nutrients in rabbit feces, but there are many nutrients in their cecotropes, and when rabbits eat their cecotropes, it does look like they're eating their feces. See the related question below for more details.

What else do rabbits eat besides feces?

Rabbits don't really eat feces, they eat cecotropes; otherwise, a healthy pet rabbit diet consists mostly of hay, fresh water, some high-quality pellets daily, and some fresh greens daily. See the related questions below for more details and helpful links.

How does feces taste?

Fecal matter does not taste very pleasant to humans. You can tell by the smell that it isn't going to taste good.Certain animals seem to like fecal matter. Deer will eat the first feces of rabbits, and you can usually hunt for rabbits and deer in the same spot for that reason. Vegan animals have to eat their own feces to get all the nutrients out of what they eat, since there is still a certain amount of nutrition left the first time they pass it.

Why do rabbits pup so much?

Rabbits have a very different metabolism. They eat lots of grass, hay, and vegetables. These have lots of fiber. Fiber helps the digestion system digest fast and thoroughly. Rabbits eat their feces for remaining nutrients. So it helps you clean their cage a little bit!

Is human feces nutritional?

It depends on the species of animal. The first feces from herbivores like rabbits is quite nutritious. It is already partially digested and rich in enzymes. That is why rabbits eat their own feces and why deer tend to stay near rabbits. Cow manure also has a certain amount of nutrition, and that is why chickens will peck around in it. Fecal matter from carnivores tend to have very little nutritious value.

Why does a rabbit get out from his burrow?

They eat wildflowers and greens. they also eat their own feces. I know it's gross, but that's how they get some extra vitamins and minerals. (P.S. Rabbits don't always live in burrows!)