

What is laminitis in horses caused by?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Is also called 'founder'. I will explain it to you in simple ways

Researchers are not sure what goes on, but it has to do somthing with a cut- off or mess up of the blood to the feet. The inside of the hoof wall sort of seperates and the coffin bone drops down causeing a ton of pain. It most of the time kills the horse and will drop through to hoof!! I have found that more 'mentaly stable' horses do not founder. Insuline resist horses diabetics and cannt process sugar, which messes up the blood.

Here are some ways they get it:

. being over-weight

. Too much grain at once

. too much exercise

. not being cooled off when they are sweating

. bad farrier

. eating food or grass the are not ajusted to.

. eating fresh spring grass (sugary)

. being stressed or nervous

. having the feet pounded.

. having a foal

. beinng insuline resistant (all ponies are and some horses are)

. old horse with cushings

. to much water after running around

Animals that founder that I know of:







How do you know?:

.Lame on a foot or all fours

.legs spread in "male horse peeing position"

.Crippled and cant walk

. burning hot hooves

What to do:

1.Walk over and halter the horse

2. is he showing the signs?

3. If yes reach down and feel his feet. Are they hot?

4. Then call your trusty farrier and vet.

5. the vet should say give him bute and the farrier will come and trim his heels

6. put as much bedding in the stall as possible

7. you are going to have to soak and ice his feet 3 times per day for 30min each time

8. If he lives then you might be able to ride him. He might come 100% sound, but he might founder agin.

Dont worry, just be prepared. If your horses feet grow almost down and then straight it means he has foundered in the past.

Barbaro foundered (too much weight on other leg)

Secretariat foundered (he was getting older and his hormones were probably changing causing signs of cushings, which easily causes founder.)

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What actually causes flounder in a horses hooves?

founder is when the horse has been in a muddy place for a while and it causes them to get laminitis which is also called foundering. Founder can also be caused by stress or a illness.

Which famous horse died of laminitis in 1989?

Sectretariat died of laminitis in 1989

Can you use walnut lumber to line your horse barn?

Black walnut is especially toxic to horses and should never be brought onto the same property where horses are kept. It does not really matter what form the wood is in it stays toxic to the horses and can bring on allergic reaction and severe laminitis.

Are cherry wood shavings toxic to horses?

YES! I know a horse that actually died when someone accidentally put cherry shavings in its stall. Never use cherry shavings. It can cause laminitis, colic, death, and many other health issues.

Why did the horse shoer recommend adding saltpetre to a horses food for his founder?

Founder is an infection of the Frog. (The soft area on the bottom of the horses hoof.) He recommended it so the infection could heal faster and the horse would be in better condition. (You might also want to issue a vet to come and check it out as well.) Sweeney_Todd_Fan Founder is actually another name for laminitis, which can be a severe condition in which the inside of the hoof becomes inflamed, the attachment between the bone and the interior hoof wall is weakened, and the bone can rotate and push through the sole. An infection of the frog is called thrush. It causes a stinky black foul rot of the frog. Founder(laminitis) can be caused by a diet too high in carbohydrates /sugars, and Saltpetre may possibly have a beneficial effect on the blood, assisting recovery, but only if the sugars and carbs are removed from the diet.

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Founder is NOT a loss of sight. It is damage to the laminae between a horses hoof wall and the rest of the hoof structure caused by inflammation in the horses foot. It is also called laminitis.

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It's called laminitis. it is usually caused by poor feeding and has to be soaked and drained.

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laminitus is a hoof disease where there is a separation of the laminade in the horses hoof. it can be caused by stress or a high sugar content and/or being too fat. it can be fatal in sevre cases.

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Founder is called laminitis, a disease of the hoof.

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Founder is another name for laminitis.

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founder is when the horse has been in a muddy place for a while and it causes them to get laminitis which is also called foundering. Founder can also be caused by stress or a illness.

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Secretariat developed laminitis, and had to be humanely euthanized. Laminitis is a deadly disease in horses that has claimed the lives of many legendary racehorses. Recently, Barbaro had to be euthanized due to laminits.

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Signs of laminitis include pain, commonly in the front feet, which leads to limping, reluctance to move or standing with weight shifted to keep weight off of the affected feet.

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Im not sure what the MOST common cause of laminitis is but i know some of the things that could cause laminitis. If your horse is overweight, resistant to insulin, has a high porportion of grain in his diet, has had laminitis before, comes from a bloodline prone to laminitis, has access to lush or improved pastures (grazing rich pastures can lead to laminitis), has cushings syndrome, or excessive fat on his crest area. If your horse has any of the things above he could be at risk for laminitis

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It's called laminitis and it's a serious condition. The most common cause is too much sugar in the horses diet but it can be caused by other things such as overeating of any food (and foundering), excessive riding on pavement, etc.

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It could be lameness or laminitis for the hooves