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Brittle stars crawl and basket stars do not move or crawl.

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Q: What is the difference between the brittle stars and the basket stars?
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What is another difference between brittle stars and sea stars?

britle stars are small and live in coral reefs and are eaten by GIANT sea stars

What is a orphiuroidea?

The ophiuroidea is a group of echinoderms that include the brittle stars and basket stars. Over 60 species of this group are known to be bioluminescent or light emitting organisms.

What is a basket star?

A basket star is a type of marine invertebrate belonging to the class of brittle stars. They have a central disk with branching arms that are highly flexible and can curl or uncurl to capture prey or move. Basket stars are typically found in deep ocean waters and use their intricate arm structure to filter feed on plankton and small organisms.

Are all echinoderms have the ability to regenerate?

a starfish or something along the line of that

Are Brittle stars cold blooded?

yes,brittle stars are cold blooded.

How many types of sea urchins?

Sea star or starfish (Asteroidea)Brittle stars, basket stars, serpent stars (Ophiuroidea)Sea urchins, heart urchins and sanddollars (Echinoidea)Holothurians or sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea)Feather stars and sea lilies (Crinoidea).

Are brittle stars asexual or sexual?

Some brittle stars breed asexually. Most brittle stars are either male or female however some species are hermaphroditic.

Describe what a brittle star looks like?

Because brittle stars are very fragile. Interestingly, Brittle stars use this fragility to defend themselves by easily losing arm segments or even entire arms. This strategy works because they are also able to regenerate these lost parts. They use their brittle quality and regenerative powers, in a way similar to that of some lizards, who lose part of their tails to confuse, appease, and evade predators.Brittle stars, Ophiuroids, are echinoderms, closely related to basket stars and distantly to star fish, sand dollars, and urchins.

What is the biggest threat for brittle stars?

Some predators of the Brittle Star are: fish, crabs, hermit crabs, mantis shrimp, sea stars and other brittle stars. Brittle stars can regenerate limbs that are broken by predators.

Are brittle stars endangered?


What else is like Starfishes sea urchins and sea cucumbers?

Seastars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers are all members of the phylum Echinodermata. Other members of this phylum include: sand dollars, brittle stars, basket stars, feather stars, sea lilies, and heart urchins.

How do brittle stars get food?

With there arms.