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The fetal circulation is the circulatory system of a human fetus, often encompassing the entire fetoplacental circulation that also includes the umbilical cord and the blood vessels within the placenta that carry fetal blood.

The fetal circulation works differently from that of born humans, mainly because the lungs are not in use: the fetus obtains oxygen and nutrients from the mother through the placenta and the umbilical cord.

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Why is pulmonary circuit bypassed in the fetal circulation?

The pulmonary circuit is commonly bypassed in fetal circulation. This is because fresh blood is provided by the mother to the fetus.

How does one check fetal circulation?

To check the fetal circulation you must check the placenta is functioning well as it is the respiratory center for the fetus. You can also check the fetals heart.

Where is the foramen ovale in the fetal heart?

In the lower part of the inter-atrial septum, lying close to the AV node.

How does the fetal circulation work?

The blood goes from the mother to the placenta where gas exchange occurs to the fetus. From the placenta the blood goes into the arterium and to the body of the fetus.

How is the exchange of gases accomplished in fetal circulation?

Oxygen is carried from the mother to the fetus through the placenta and umbilical vein.

Does mother circulation affect fetal circulation?

If the circulation you refer to is circulation of the blood, then yes, if your blood circulation is slower or faster, so is the baby's. Your blood circulates through the fetus and back into you, it's a constant cycle.

What is feto-maternal?

Feto-maternal refers to a fetus and its mother. Fetal-maternal hemorrhage refers to the entry of fetal blood into the maternal circulation before or during delivery.

How does fetal circulation differ from the circulation pattern after birth?

In fetal circulation, the placenta provides oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, so the lungs are not used for oxygen exchange - instead, a bypass called the ductus arteriosus shunts blood away from the lungs. After birth, the lungs take over oxygen exchange, the ductus arteriosus closes, and the foramen ovale between the atria closes, redirecting blood flow through the heart to support pulmonary circulation.

What is the function of umbilical vein in fetus after birth?

It nourishes the fetal pig.

What is the meaning of 'fetal'?

"Fetal" refers to anything that relates to a fetus. For example, "fetal tissue" is the tissue of a fetus.

Do the lungs function during the fetal development?

no the lungs and the pumonary circuit do not operate in the fetus until birth

How does the ductus arteriosus improved the efficiency of fetal circulation?

The Ductus arteriosus improves the efficiency of fetal circulation by creating a channal from the mother to the baby. This helps with circulation because oxygen travels from umbilical vein to the fetus which is important because the lungs of the unborm mamal are not functinal so it needs the supply of oxygen from the mother