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If a DNA strand read CCTAGCT, its mRNA would read GGAUCGA.

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Dna: t-a-c-c-g-g

rna: a-u-g-g-c-c

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11y ago

When RNA binds to DNA, A binds to U, T binds to A, C binds to G and G binds to C.

Therefore the complementary RNA for the DNA sequence CCG-TAC is GGC-AUG.

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how do you translate DNA to mRNA

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agacuc :)

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Q: What is the mRNA for DNA molecule t-a-c- c- g -g?
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What is the trna strand for a t t c g a c c t a c g?

tRNA does not copy a strand of DNA - that is what mRNA does.So for the DNA strand ATT-CGA-CCT-ACG:the mRNA strand would be UAA-GCU-GGA-UGCtRNA is responsible for carrying the correct amino acid to match up with the codon (three letter code) on the mRNA. The first codon here is UAA - which is a stop codon - meaning the peptide chain being created will not proceed beyond this.

What is the DNA code for A-T-C-G-A?


Which types of RNA are made by transcription?

mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid The nucleotide sequence of RNA is encoded in genes in the DNA, and it is transcribed from the DNA by a templating mechanism that is by one of the enzymes. In this templating scheme, the DNA base T specifies A in the RNA, A specifies U, C specifies G, and G specifies C.* As per

What is the complimentary pair of DNA strand a c t g a t g c g a t c t a g c t a t t c c g?

The complementary strand for CGATTAC would be GCTAATG. C and G are always paired together, and A and T are always paired together.

What biological molecule is used to store genetic information?

The strands of the helix align so that the nucleotides face "up" on one side of the helix and "down" on the other side of the helix. Nitrogen bases in the two strands of the helix form hydrogen bonds with each other across the width of the molecule. On the DNA molecule an adenine (A) on one strand, always bonds with thymine (T)on the opposite strand. Likewise guanine (G) always hydrogen bonds with cytosine(C)The term complimentary is always used to describe these pairings. For example, A is complementary to T and C is complementary to G. The overall appearance of the DNA molecule is very similar to a rope ladder that is twisted, with the hand rails of the ladder composed of sugar phosphate backbone and the rungs of the ladder composed of paired nitrogenous bases.Thank you for telling us what DNA looks like. Now try to answer the question.How does DNA store info?

Related questions

What is the form of RNA that is transcribed from DNA?

A. rRNA Type of RNA molecule transcribed from a DNA template B. codon Sequence of three nucleotides on a messenger RNA molecule C. tRNA RNA component of ribosomes D. anticodon Connects mRNA codon to an amino acid E.mRNA Sequence of three nucleotides on a transfer RNA molecule

How do dna bases pair up with mrna bases?

The mRNA bases are complementary to the DNA bases, and so form H-bonds when the DNA is single-stranded. DNA - mRNA A - U T - A C - G G - C

What is the complementary DNA for TAC GG?

The complementary strand of this DNA sequence is... A T G C T A A C C

If the DNA secquence to be transcribed is actg then the resulting mRNA sequence will be?

if the DNA sequence is A C T G then its resulting mRNA sequence will be complementary so it will be T G A C

What can leave the nucleus but DNA cannot?

Because mRNA is a single stranded molecule where as DNA forms a double helix. Therefore mRNA is a smaller molecule than DNA so can leave the nucleus ALSO mRNA has been processed post-translation. This means a 5' cap has been added and a 3' poly(A) tail has been added. This 5' cap, which DNA does not have, allows mRNA to leave the nucleus through nuclear pores. All above is good idea all , And me have something that need to include more. First time DNA can't leave from nucleus ,so DNA change to be nucleotide then mRNA go into nucleus and duplication ,A , T, C, G of DNA to be U,A,G,C. During mRNA get out from nucleus , mRNA will go to ribosomes to produce protein to take care cell.

What is serves as the template during transcription?

The process of generating an mRNA copy of a DNA molecule is called transcription. Here, an enzyme called RNA polymerase opens up the double stranded DNA and begins inserting RNA bases using DNA as the template. Every time the enzyme encounters an Adenine (A), it inserts a Uracin (U) to the growing mRNA strand. When it encounters a cytosine (C), it inserts a Guaning (G) into the growing RNA strand. This is how DNA acts as a template for mRNA

When DNA serves as a pattern in the formation of mRNA it acts as a?


How did you know which bases to use when you transcribed the DNA sequence to mRNA codons?

In transcription, the mRNA strand is formed by complementary base pairing of the template DNA strand. However we should note that the nitrogenous bases in mRNA are Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Uracil, while those in DNA are Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine.So the mRNA strand would be formed by matching the A in DNA with U in mRNA, T in DNA with A in mRNA, C in DNA with G in mRNA and G in DNA with C in mRNA.I hope that helps!

How is complementary base pairing different when pairing DNA to DNA than DNA to mRNA?

When pairing DNA to DNA - A binds to T and C binds to G. However, in RNA, the T is replaced with U. Therefore when DNA pairs with mRNA - A binds to U, C binds to G and T binds to A.

What is the complementary mRNA sequence to the DNA sequence A-A-T-G-G-C?

The complimentary mRNA sequence would be: U-A-A-C-G-U

What is the tRNA anticodon for T-A-C?

The tRNA anticodon for TAC would be AUG. However, tRNA does not transcribe DNA and would not come in contact with the nitrogen base thymine. A better question would be what is the tRNA anticodon for the mRNA codon UAC.

How are the bases in RNA paired with the bases in DNA?

First of all, the only RNA, that attaches to DNA is mRNA (messenger RNA), and it matches, Adenine from DNA and Uracil from RNA; Thymine from DNA with Adenine from RNA; Cytosine from DNA and Guanine from RNA; Guanine from DNA Cytosine and from RNA. * Also, mRNA complements the left half of DNA, for example if DNA's left half was (A = adenine, T = thymine**, G = guanine, C= cytosine, U = Uracil**) **Uracil is found only RNA **Thymine is found only in DNA A T G G C A T Then mRNA would be: U A C C G U A so overall DNA : mRNA A : U T : A G : C G : C C : G A : U T : A