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The male firefly uses it to attract female fireflies.

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Q: What is the main purpose of the chemical light in the abdomen of a firefly?
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What insect lights up in the night?

a moth duhhh are you alien or somethinga moth duhhh are you alien or somethingno need to make fun of this person

What is the electric charge of a glow worm?

The Glow-Worm's GlowThe lamps of insects that produce light usually have a function in the insects' reproduction. Adults have an average life expectancy of only a month and, during that short time, they need to attract a mate and reproduce to form the next generation. The adult form eats only small amounts during its life, using the energy it has accumulated during its larval stage. It spends all of its time trying to attract a mate by flashing with its abdomen. Different species flash at different time intervals, so that each one can recognise the opposite sex of the correct species.One Thai species of gloworm uses the property of being able to synchronise the flashing of its light as a sign that it is a fit mate. Colonies of male glow worms collect together and start flashing to attract a mate. After a while the males adapt the frequency of their flashing to match those around it, and all of the colony flashes on and off at the same moment. The females chose their mates from the synchronised flashers at random but they avoid those that can't get their rhythm right as unsuitable fathers for their offspring.Glow worms (usually the larval stage but sometimes the adult females) glow (usually in the lower abdomen) through bioluminescence (a chemical reaction during which chemical energy is converted to light energy). The chemical reaction is very efficient with almost 100% of the energy turned into light (the best light-emitting diodes can only manage 22%).

What is an adaptation of a firefly?

Fireflies are best known for adaptation to produce light. Male fireflies flash their abdomens in patterns, hoping to attract the attention of a female who is hiding in the grass. A female will return the pattern if she is interested in one of the males.

What do lighting bug eggs look like?

Lightening bugs are black in color with spots of red on their wings. They also have a clear ball at the end of their abdomen. This is where the light comes from.

How far does green light penetrate water?

this depends on the particulates and chemical makeup of the water

Related questions

How does firefly produce light?

Light production in fireflies is due to a type of chemical reaction called bioluminescence. This process occurs in specialised light-emitting organs, usually on a firefly's lower abdomen. The enzyme luciferase acts on the luciferin, in the presence of magnesium ions, ATP, and oxygen to produce light.

What insect lights up in the night?

a moth duhhh are you alien or somethinga moth duhhh are you alien or somethingno need to make fun of this person

Is a firefly emitting light chemical or physical change?

That would be a chemical change because the firefly produces a bio-luminescent chemical. This chemical produces light which you see when the fire fly lights up!

Is a firefly an example of direct light or indirect light?

Direct. It is a chemical reaction.

What chemical is in a firefly when they produce light?

This substance is called luciferin.

How do you tell what gender a fly is?

If a firefly is male its light will come from the last two segments of its abdomen. If a firefly is female its light will come from the second to last segment of its abdomen.

Is a firefly giving off light a chemical or physical change?

It's not a change at all. It is simply what the firefly does. But it is a result of a chemical change within the firefly. A chemical reaction involves a transfer of energy. In this case, the energy would go into creating light waves from the molecules in the firefly, causing it to glow.

What chemical is in a firefly's body to help it produce light?

This chemical is luciferin.

What is the chemical substance found in a firefly?

Luciferin, a protein that reacts with oxygen to produce light.

IS firefly a sources of light?

Yes - the luminescence is produced by a chemical reaction within the insects body.

When a firefly emits light is that a physical or chemical change?

Both: The light is produced by organs on the underside of the abdomen and consist of several layers of reflector cells and a lower layer of light-producing cells. These are permeated by nerves and air tubes which supply oxygen to oxidize (with the aid of an enzyme called luciferase) the cell product luciferin.

Is a firefly a natural light sources?

Yes - the luminescence is produced by a chemical reaction within the insects body.