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Q: What is the method of dating fossil by their position in rock layer?
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What is the simplest dating method used by paleontologists?

Relative Dating, its where the paleontologists date the fossils according to the layer of soil that the fossil was found compared to other fossils that were carbon dated that were in the same soil layer.

How do you tell how old a fossil is by the rock layer?

by relative dating or radiometric dating

What does relative dating provide for the age of a layer or fossil?

estimate or approximation

What does relative dating provide for the age of a rock layer or fossil?


What are the fallacies of fossil dating?

One of the biggest fallacies of fossil dating is that they use the rock layer to help determine the age of the fossils, but the fossils are also used to help determine the age of the rock layer.

What type of dating would be used to determine the age of rocks by using the fossil?

By using the geologic time scale. Certain organisms are only found during certain times and if a fossil of one of these organisms is found then you can determine the relative age of the fossil.

Which example describes method of relative dating?

using fossils to determine the oldest rock layer in a canyon

What are two ways that radiometric dating can be used to establish the age of a fossil.?

Direct testing of the fossil material itself or materials associated with it, and indirect testing of material in stratigraphic contexts that bookend the fossil (i.e. a lava flow over the top of the layer a fossil is contained in).

What principle is a geologist applying when deciding that a fossil in a mud layer is older than a fossil in a sandstone layer above it?

Which principle is a geologist applying when deciding that a fossil in a mud layer is older than a fossil in a sandstone layer above it.

How can you prove the age of a fossil?

I can answer part of this question. If they can scientists use carbon dating to find the closest age of the fossil. If carbon dating is not possible they use a different technique such as this: If they look at the layers of the rocks, the rocks before and after the layer of rock the fossil was found in, can show an estimate of how old the fossil can be if they know the age of the rock layers before and after its layer.

What do scientists use to date exact age of fossils?

For relatively recent fossils, dating by carbon 14 is the most accurate method. For older fossils it is necessary to analyse the geological layer in which they are found; fossils located in an undisturbed geological layer of a certain age, are the same age as the layer in which they are found, necessarily.

What does relative dating mean in biology?

Scientists can compare the ages of the fossils in one layer of the earth and then compare thoes to fossils in another layer of the earth. The one that is deeper is most likely to be older:)