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Polydactyl is a genetic abnormality that is sometimes seen in cats as well as other species. Polydactyl cats are not bred to have the extra digits, and there is no true percentage of this occurrence. The only exception is the Maine Coon which disreputable breeders will attempt breeding.

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Is polydactyl in cats caused by inbreeding?

This is true the polydactyl cats parents would most likely have been brother and sister

How Common are Calico Polydactyl Manx Cats?

Calico Polydactyl Manx cats are relatively common, though there are no exact statistics on the number of cats in the United States. The cats are often sold for high prices.

Is it bad when your kittens have extra toes?

Kittens can be polydactyl. Polydactyl means an extra toe. It is harmless and will not be a problem. It is a genetic feature of some cats.

How much are 6 toed cats worth?

Polydactyl cats are common. So probably nothing more.

What kind of cat has 6 toes on each paw?

they are call Hemingway's cats or polydactyl they can range form 6 toes on up the most i have seen is 8 toes my mate says there the Karl petrieas disease and that all cats will die because of the disease spread by Karl.

Names polydactyl cat?

Thumbelina, mittens, ernie (Hemingway owned over 60 of these cats), gene as in genedefect, and thumbs. Just some common ideas. I have a girl names Polly as in polydactyl.

Are polydactyl cats smarter than average cat?

Polydactyl means having more than the usual number of fingers or toes. Most Cats have 5 digits on each paw. A polydactyl has extra digits, usually 6. Cats are not the only animal to be considered polydactyl. In fact people may also have more than 10 fingers or toes!

What is a mitten paw cat?

That's another name for polydactyl cats (have more than the usual number of toes).

What are polydactyly cats?

polydactyl means many fingers. It refers to people or creatures that have more fingers or toes then what they are suppose to have.

Are polydactyl cats smarter that the average cat?

There almost certainly isn't a correlation between having genes for polydactyly and genes for intelligence.

Where is the Ernest Hemingway house what is the main animal attraction at the house and what makes that animal unique?

The Ernest Hemingway House is located in Key West, Florida. The main animal attraction at the house is the Hemingway cats, which are Polydactyl cats or six-toed cats. This genetic mutation makes them unique and they are considered good luck at the house.

What unusual feature does a polydactyl cat have?

A polydactyl cat has six toes on each paw, or perhaps more.