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Any position they want to

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Q: What is the position when man mate with female?
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How do a female and male cricket mate?

When the male cricket chirps, the female then selects which song she likes most and which male cricket he likes. The female can also tell how large the male is through the sound produced. When the female have selected, it will then go over the male and the male starts to transfer the sperms(not sure of the term) to the female.

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Absolutely ! I have a good many female friends - none of which are sleeping with me !

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Sexual position "super man": To have anal sex with a female while her face is towards the ground

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What causes a male dog to get hung to a female dog during intewrcourse?

Female dogs give out a scent when they are in heed. Heed is when a female is in a position were that is the only time they can mate. So they have a scent that the Male dogs can smell that scent. Also it is in their Urine.

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The 69 style is a sex position which the female is sucking the man's penis and the male is licking the female's the same time.

Do the female Black Widows kill there mate?

Yes, right after they mate.