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Q: What is the process in which larger creatures eat smaller creatures or plants?
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What is The process in which larger creatures or plants?

the process in which larger creatures eat smaller creatures or plants

Is your plant larger or smaller then earth?

All plants are smaller than the earth.

Are asteroids larger or smaller than plants?

Most of the time they are relatively small, but sometimes you get larger ones that definitly beat out plants.

Are plants are part of the food chain?

Yes. Smaller animals such as deer or elk eat grass or plants and then they are eaten by larger animals.

What would happen to a snake if all the plants on earth died?

The snake would soon die. Snakes are part of the web of life. They eat smaller creatures that eat plants and would die if all the plants died.

Are the four outer plants larger or smaller then earth?

Going out form Earth in order their sizes as compared to Earth are:-Mars - smallerJupiter - largerSaturn - largerUranus - largerNeptune - larger

Are bacterial cells larger then plant and animal cells?

No, bacteria have much smaller cells, generally, than plants and animals.

Explain the difference between atomic fission and atomic fusion?

Atomic fission involves splitting an atom into smaller particles, releasing energy in the process. Atomic fusion, on the other hand, involves combining two smaller atomic nuclei to form a larger nucleus, also releasing energy. Fission is commonly used in nuclear power plants, while fusion is the process that powers the sun.

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What do centerpides eat?

Centipedes mainly eat insects, spiders, and worms. They are predatory creatures that hunt and feed on smaller invertebrates to sustain themselves.

What is the splitting of a nucleus into smaller nuclei?

Nuclear fission is the process in which a nucleus splits into smaller nuclei, typically releasing large amounts of energy. This process is commonly used in nuclear power plants to generate electricity.

Is the population of plants larger or smaller than animals in the Tropical Rainforest?

Yes because before humans came the world used to have plants all over we cut most but there is still more plants than animals.