

What is the snake population?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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in California its one per sq. mile

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Q: What is the snake population?
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if the snake population decreases (meaning there are less of them) the rabbit population will increases (meaning there are more of them) all do to the rabbits not being consumed by the snakes.

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Because the snake's will eat the frogs.

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the rodents will or can die by a snake population getting larger and most likely they will have no food, water, shelter, or space.

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What country has the highest snake population?

That's hard to get knowing.

How would increasing the snake population affect grass?

the more snake the less their grass

Are there a venomous snake in every state in the United States?

No - northern parts of the states are too cold to support a natural snake population.

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