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Q: What kind of bug has a long antennae 6 legs long and narrow has wings and is found in Australia?
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What are 6 characteristics of insects?

Six legs. Head, thorax and abdomen. Exoskeleton. Development by metamorphsois. Usually one or two pairs of wings. Antennae.

What are insect feelers called?

Why is this question in chemistry? It should be in biology or entomology or something. Well, the so-called feelers are what we call antennae. Radio antennae were named after the antennae of insects. The antennae are really modified legs, much as our lower jaws are modified gill arches. Insects and other arthropods that have antennae (or "feelers") use them for various purposes. Many of them use them to feel things, but most also use them to smell or taste. Some actually use them to grasp things, such as male "fairy shrimp" that grasp females with their strong, bent antennae in mating. Male mosquitoes with their feathery antennae use them to listen for the vibration of the female mosquitoes' wings. Emperor moth males also have feathery antennae and use them to smell the sexual signal of the female. Creatures that use their antennae for finding food or hunting, usually live in the dark and come out at night if they come out at all. Some such creatures do not in fact have antennae, or if they do, the antennae are not large, or much used in hunting. Instead they have very long delicate sensitive antenna-like legs that they use in much the same way. Examples include some spiders and whip scorpions.

What flying insect 2 and a half inches long has a yellow and black striped body and two sets of wings one set transparent which are under darker solid wings it also has very long antennae in CA?

Humming Bird Moth Mike Holdsworth

How many wings do flies have?

Flies have 2 wings, are you f*cking stupid?

What is a Xoona Moth?

There is an instrumental song by the name of Xoona Moth written by Matt King. It is also identified as a species of moth in a kids book, "Zoe and Her Zebra".

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Which bugs have wings but no antennae?


Do insects have 2 pars of antennae?

They usually have a pair of antennae, though different insects have many different types. Source: wikipedia page on Insect_morphology#Antennae

What 3 parts does monarch butterfly has?

antennae wings and body

Does arachnids arthropods have no antennae?

Correct, arachnids have no wings or antennae. However, some have forward limbs or appendages with sensory functions which might be said to act like antennae.

The species of which of these groups show neither wings nor antennae?


What are 5 physical features of a butterfly?

Wings, a pair of antennae, proboscis, legs and the abdomen.

What makes a dragonfly in the Arthropod Insects phylum?

Its three-parted body, its antennae, and wings

What type of bug has Black wings with curled antennae?

Spider wasps have curled antennae and black wings but can also have different color markings such as red or yellow . The female spider wasp will hunt spiders to feed it's larvae.

What colors of delias can be found in the wild?

There are over 250 types of Delias butterflies in the wild and they vary from purplish on the wings and/or yellow and gray on the wings. Delias butterflies are found in South Asia and Australia.

What happen when honey pot ant taps its antennae on a fat honey pot and?

chicken wings

What is the function of the grasshopper antennae?

The antennae are sensitive organs that sense smell and vibration.

Do butterflies get hurt when their wings rip off?

yes. their wings have nerve connections to the brain. the same is for their legs, antennae, and all other parts.