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Apples - Raw or in applesauce form - Try to remove the apple seeds. They contain trace amounts of cyanide.

Asparagus - Raw or cooked - They can eat it, but they may not like it!

Bananas - Without the peel - These contain a good source of potassium and the chickens tend to love them!


Beets and Beet Greens

Berries of all kinds - The REALLY LOVE strawberries.

Breads - Any kind, and it is a great way to get rid of that stale bread or buns! - Feed starches in moderation.

Brocolli and Cauliflower - They will eat this ALL day!


Brussel Sprouts

Carrots - Raw or cooked - The like the carrot greens too!

Wet and dry cat food - Feed only when the birds are molting.

Cereal - I.E. Cherrios - DO NOT feed them high-sugar cereals.

Cheese and Cottage Cheese - Feed in small portions due to the fat. It is good for protein and calcium.

Cooked chicken - they may like it, and are able to eat it seems a little cannabalistic.

Corn - Off the cob, from a can, cooked or raw

Live crickets - You can purchase these at a pet store - It is a yummy treat and entertaining to watch the birds catch them.


Eggs - Hardcooked or Scrambled. It is a great source of protein. - Feed cooked eggs ONLY. They will get a taste for raw eggs and start eating the ones they lay.


Fish and Seafood - Cooked ONLY.

Flowers - make sure they haven't been treated with chemicals!



Seedless Grapes (ONLY SEEDLESS). Cut them in half for the chicks.

Grits - Cooked

Leafy greens such as lettuce and kale

Mealworms - You can purchase these at a petstore - This is probably their favorite treat!


Oatmeal - raw or cooked

Pasta - cooked - one of their favorites.


Bell Peppers

Raw Pomegranates

Popped popcorn- NO SALT OR BUTTER

Cooked potatoes

Pumpkins and Winter Squash- Cooked or raw


Cooked rice


Summer Squash

Sunflower seeds

Tomatoes - raw or cooked

Cooked turnips


Yogurt - plain or flavored - It is GREAT for their digestive systems.

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