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If you're really interested I suggest doing some research. Search Google scholar (A better search engine for scientific papers and studies) in google and then search for some key words like 'invasive species control' etc. There has been lots of interest in this field in recent years so there should be some good papers. Also if you feel that reading papers is too heavy watch a couple of episodes of a show called 'python hunters'. It looks at invasive reptiles in Florida and how these men are trying to control their populations.

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Q: What kinds of efforts are people doing to study and control invasive species?
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Are all introduced species invasive?

No, not all introduced species are invasive because they may have a natural predator that will eat them in their new environment. Also because the species can be biologically controlled, chemically controlled or mechanically controlled.

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(briefly descrilbe why invasive species are dangerous to an ecosystem? * === === (briefly descrilbe why invasive species are dangerous to an ecosystem? * === ===

Are corn snakes invasive?

Invasive to where exactly ! Remember - reptiles have been around much longer than people have. The only reason any species becomes labelled as 'invasive' is when it encounters humans - where people have built towns & cities on land that was previously for the exclusive use of animals. Actually - the only 'invasive' species on this planet is the human race ! Before man developed his interest in exploration, the planet lived a perfectly balanced existence !

What is the problems with invasive species?

Native species have natural enemies and do not usually cause a problem. Invasive species frequently do not have natural predators. As a result, Invasive species can create tremendous problems for people. For example: in Florida Water Hyacinths turned lakes into dead zones and breeding areas for mosquitoes. They have done the same in Africa. Africa does not need more mosquitoes spreading malaria. In the Great Lakes, the zebra mussel has choked off water inlets. For a while in the Great Lakes, lampreys killed the fish. In Alabama, an invasive plant threatens to destroy the timber industry. Thus, some invasive species have crowded out native species and made major changes in the ecology. As they crowd out the natural species they can bring plagues and pestilence with them. They can also cause the failure of modern machinery.

What are advantages and disadvantages of eliminating a naturally invasive species?

advantage it eats people disadvantage we get eaten :) dont worry your welcome ;)

Why do some people feel that efforts should not be taken to save endangered species?

Saving them will decrease the number

Are peacocks invasive species?

Peafowl can be pretty hardy, but like most birds from the more tropical climates, you'd be hard pressed to find them wandering around in the Midwest or far northeast where the temperatures drop below 0*F in the winter. And they also can't handle extreme heat either, but if you live in a climate where they can survive, that's a little more difficult to answer. The proper definition of invasive species as defined in the Executive Summary of the National Invasive Species Management Plan (NISMP); the term invasive species is further clarified and defined as "a species that is non-native to the ecosystem under consideration and whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health." They are considered a type of pheasant, however, where we have pheasants, they are not eliminating the populations. They are also not eliminating the native populations of their prey. Peafowl are omnivores and eat not just seed, flowers and other parts of the plant, but they also prey on snakes. Here in the US some people claim that they are invasive because in FL peafowl have caused quite a disturbance to suburban sprawl, however, Florida is suffering a larger problem of true invasive species like; the Burmese python, the Nile monitor, island apple snail and the Asiatic clam. The main difference between a non-native species inhabiting an area and an invasive species, is that an invasive species disrupts and destroys the natural ecosystem. Many times the problem is that these invasive species will eat native animals, but there are no predators to eat the invasive creature. There are plenty of predatory species out there who would love to chomp down on those brightly colored birds.

How are Invasive species introduced?

They have been around much longer than they have been invasive. They only became invasive when human activity transported them from their native environment to a different one without the predators that kept their populations under control. In this new environment their populations explode exponentially and they invade more and more space in that environment, pushing native species towards extinction in some cases.

Why are exotic species invasive?

Exotic species compete with the native species and reduces Biodiversity

Why is it necessary to eliminate absolutely all invasive fire ant colonies to eradicate the invasive population?

Fire ants are not native to many areas, which is why they are invasive. Any invasive species has the ability to destroy any habitat it is not native to. Fire ants can cause large amounts of damage to homes, people, and other animals. This means that they will harm others physically, financially or even mentally and should be eradicated.