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Q: What might include pale moist skin heavy sweating and dizziness?
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Do rouen ducks fly?

Not really, they might spread their wings and run but not fly. They also might be able to flap their wings to hardly get off the ground but they don't really fly.

Why does your horse crane its neck around?

Horses cannot see directly behind themselves and must turn their head to do so. However, if a horse cranes its head around frequently, looking at or grabbing at it's flanks/stomach, your horse might be experiencing colic. Colic causes severe abdominal pain and sometimes results in death if not treated. Other signs include excessive sweating and rolling on the ground. A vet should be called immediately.

Where did the phrase sweat like a pig come from?

The phrase "sweating like a pig" actually has nothing to do with the animal that you might find on a farm. Instead, it refers to iron "sows" and "piglets" made when smelting pig iron. In traditional iron smelting, liquid iron is poured into a mold shaped like one long line with many smaller lines branching off of it at right angles. This looks similar to piglets feeding from their mother, so these pieces became known as pigs. After the pigs are poured into the sand, they cool, causing the surrounding air to reach its dew point and turn into moisture on the pigs, like they are sweating. When the pig is sweating, it's cool enough to be moved.

What is the ideal weight if a 15.2 heavy weight cob?

There is a weight chart for horses that depends on the "Heart Girth" That's about straight around at the withers. That link is called "Girth" There is another link to a calculator that needs the girth, height at the withers and the body length. I called that link "Calculator". Those will tell you what a horse of typical build ought to weigh but they might might not be terribly accurate for a real heavy-weight. Next time you have a vet out to look at your animals, get his opinion on the animal's weight.

Do horses eat snakes?

No snake will eat a horse. They are too big and too heavy. But if it is a full grown anaconda or burimese python, it might eat a newborn horse if found astray. I hope this is helpful and good luck.

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What signs and symptoms might you see in internal abdominal bleeding What would you do?

Flushed face, sweating, heavy breathing and intense abdominal pain. Go to a hospital.

What might have an infection cause dizziness?

semicircular canals

What are the advantages and disadvantages of HVAC?

Advantage=no sweating Disadvantage=sweating

Why is ball sack burning?

What can I do to keep srcotum from burning. Might come from sweating.

What are some possible reasons why one might experience excessive facial sweating?

This excessive sweating is called hyperhydrosis and the causes of this may can be some medications and manly starts in the teenage years. But often there aren't any reasons for this sweating.

What symptoms might people have if they drink or use alcohol?

Dizziness, puking, slurred speech

Can a soft mattress cause dizziness?

It depends on how soft it is. If it is as soft as a water bed, it might cause dizziness. Water beds tend to cause motion transfer or a ripple effect on the bed. Tiny movements might cause motion sickness.

Can you please tell me about pregnancy symptoms?

Some signs and symptoms to look for if you believe you might be pregnant include * missed period, * nausea with or without vomiting, * tiredness, * dizziness, * breast changes and breast tenderness, and * frequent urination.

Causes of hazards?

The causes of hazards might include the weather, man made accidents like spills or even nuclear meltdowns. Other causes of hazards could include heavy traffic moving at high speeds.

Is mica heavy for it size?

Not at all. It might look very heavy, but it's not that heavy. From, Vanessa Zoora

Should you worry if you fall on your mouth and then have dizziness and a headache?

Yes! You might have a concussion. Seek medical attention.

What is symptom of dizziness?

Your head feels light, your vision might become blurry. You might feel like you are going to faint or pass out. You might become unbalanced and stumble or fall.