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Hummingbirds like honeysuckle, Trumpet vine, butterfly bushes, petunias, obedient plant and bee balm BUT if you want hummingbirds right away, go to the garden center and buy "Black and Blue Salvia" (salvia guarantica). It is an annual which you cannot grow from seed. You have heard hummingbirds like the color red, but this plant's florets are deep, dark blue and it is a HUMMINGBIRD MAGNET. My hummingbirds (I'm on eastern Long Island) first check my pink lemonade honeysuckle which I have trained to grow up the sides of my porch, then they go straight for the black and blue salvia in my garden. It takes a few years for honeysuckle to grow tall enough to attract hummingbirds, so the salvia is instant gratification. Place in a sunny spot and water it well. They will even come to planters on my back porch with Black and Blue Salvia planted in them.

Quick growing, easy annual vines - morning glory, cardinal flower and cypress vine -- also attract them. I start a few vines from seed (buy at Target, Home Dept, Walmart, Kmart, etc) in a small Jiffy greenhouse in spring inside my home, place wooden BBQ skewers in the jiffy pots once the seeds sprout (for the vines to climb on) and plant them outdoors after May 15. If you want to set out a hummingbird feeder, get one that has perches on it so you can see the hummers. Hummingbirds are lightning quick, so one can come to your feeder and buzz off before you even know it, but if you have perches on your feeder, they will sit for a bit. I have found them keeping dry by perching on my honeysuckle vine just under my porch roof when it is raining outside. I watch them out my window as they preen themselves and watch the rain. When they sit on the vine, they are almost completely camoflaged and they relax. They are something else. Keep in mind you will not have flocks of hummingbirds coming to your flowers or feeders. They are loners and are territorial. They feed one at a time and sometimes a male will stake out a feeder as his own and chase off any other hummingbird that comes near it. It's just how they are. The most activity you will see at your feeder is in July and August, when they are tanking up to migrate south. But keep your feeder up until the end of September for stragglers. You have to keep the feeders clean and stocked with fresh sugar water (which you can make yourself from ordinary table sugar) in hot weather. I have two feeders so that as I take one down to take in and wash, I immediately put up the other one, all cleaned and filled with fresh sugar water.

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Q: What plants do hummingbirds feed on on long island?
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How long into the year do you feed hummingbirds?

really, all year. but the do best in winter and spring.

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Hummingbirds feed on the nectar of flowers so they fly forward and backward to insert (then extract) their long beaks, without landing on the flowers.

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Why. Do. Humming. Birds. Hum?

Hummingbirds feed on the nectar of flowers so they fly forward and backward to insert (then extract) their long beaks, without landing on the flowers.

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We think hummingbirds find food by using their sense of smell, which is not as good as humans.

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Insects with long tongues suck the nectar from flowers. Others feed on plants with their teeth.

Were does hummingbirds find there food?

Hummingbirds live on the edge of survival have an extremely fast metabolism and need all day long to stay alive. They eat the nectar from flowers that have co-evolved with them and from the hummingbird feeders we supply. Hummingbirds have no sense of smell but very keen vision are attracted to brightly colored flowers because these are the flowers that have co-evolved with them and have the high nectar they need. Also, hummingbird feeders are usually red to attract them as they travel on their migrations. People also hang red ribbons on their feeders to initially attract the birds. Hummingbirds are very smart.They have the largest brain of any bird when you consider size. So they remember and return to the same feeders each year. Hummingbirds also eat insects for protein.

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What adaptations do vertebrates have to feed on nectar?

Vertebrates that eat nectar include hummingbirds and some bats. Hummingbirds have an ability to hover at a flower, and a long tong that they can stick deep into the flower to lap up nectar. Bats that drink nectar at night seek flowers by their smell. Then they hover at the flowers, and use their tongues to lick up nectar.

Where do hummingbirds lived?

Hummingbirds are native to the Americas, from Chile to Alaska. Most species are found in South America, particularly Ecuador. They are very adaptable birds, but preferred habitats are woodlands, forests, meadows and grasslands, riparian areas and marshlands, tropical rainforests and jungles, which are all places where the birds can find sufficient nectar and insects on which to feed. However, hummingbirds are also commonly found in urban areas, and even in deserts and canyons.Hummingbirds nest in vegetation such as trees and shrubs, as long as these plants provide protection for them. They do not nest in cavities.See the related link below.Hummingbirds live in the U.S., South America, Australia, and Europe.

How long have hummingbirds been on earth?

since the first one was born