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Many animals like to use a salt lick. The most common animals include deer, goats, cows and sheep and also smaller animals such as squirrels, chipmunks and woodchucks.

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Q: What type of animals will eat from a salt lick?
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Which animal eat salt?

Deer are know to lick blocks of salt.

What animals don't eat salt?

Many animals eat salt.

Do guinea pigs eat human salt?

Yes, they eat so much they need a salt block to lick daily.

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A good rabbit pellet, a salt lick and water is all that is necessary. Occasional treats such as a carrot, apple slice, or cheerios are acceptable.

They eat you?

Lions eat you. Tigers eat you. Dogs lick you. Cats lick you. Humans lick you. You eat potatos.

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Most animals only eat when they are hungry

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Eat it .lick lick lick

Can hamster eat salt?

Too much salt raises the blood pressure, and remember that a hamster's body is so much more tiny than ours, that a small amount of salt could have a big impact. So don't give it salty foods. Hamsters do need salts, just like we do. But the best way to supply it is with a salt lick from a pet store, this is not table salt, sodium chloride, it is a mineral lick with all sorts of things.

Is your water softener salt pellets safe for animals to eat?

Most water softener salt pellets are safe for animals to eat. However, some have additives that might make your animal sick.

Do deer eat planters salted peanuts?

i would say yes, because they eat acorns and they lick salt blocks. It would be expensive to feed them Planters, though.

What is' horse eat?

horses mostly eat grasses and plant materials, they also eat hay. some horse owners feed their horses oats and maize (corn). many people give their horses fruit such as apples, also as a treat they give them carrots. horses need a lot of salt in their diet as they drink a lot of water, so in their stables they may have a pile of salt known as a salt lick, which they can lick throughout the day.

What can a person with blood type O eat and not eat on the blood type diet?

Do not eat sugarie foods, nothing with alot of salt or sugar. Things with alot of salt or sugar can upset your stomache. Eat healthy foods for your blood type.