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Could be one of several breeds or a crossbreed.

Rather than give you a guess that would probably be wrong I will give you a good website so you can look at different breeds. If it is a crossbreed this will not really help much.

Try Araucana/Americana/Rhode Island

When you get to the site check the Breed Name area on the left and click blue links for pictures of that breed.

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Q: What type of chicken do you have goldish-brownish feathers and black tail feathers and a small comb and is very big?
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Why are chicken wings so small Shouldn't they be bigger if they are from an average size chicken?

Feathers make a chicken look much larger than they actually are. When you look close at a chicken wing with the feathers still on you will note that the feathers are large but the actual bone and muscle are about 1/4 of the total size.

What kind of chicken is small and black?

There are many breeds of small black chicken. Almost 60% of all breeds of chicken are available in black. Very small and black could be a bantam breed of some kind. See related links below for hendersons breed chart

Why do you sometimes find small black feathers in your apartment?

Your pillow or down jacket has a small hole.

How many feathers does a baby chicken have?

The number of feathers on a rooster depends on the breed of chicken he comes from. Some are as big as your dog, some are small enough to sit in your palm! Some have less feathers for warmer climates. For example, a Rhode Island Red would have more feathers than a Silkie.

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I believe it is a killdeer.

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The feathers on top of a peacock's head are called a "head crest"

What is the spiritual meaning of finding a black feather?

Finding several black feathers not far apart is a sign that you will hear of two deaths near by in the future. A large one represents an adult and a small one represents a child. Do not bring the feathers in side your house it will bring bad luck with it. After you hear of the unfortunate incident, destroy the feathers.

Is moorhen a bird?

Yes - a black one with a red bill, between a pigeon and a small chicken in size.

What is the function of small intestine to chicken?

The function of small intestine to chicken is no because chicken doesn't have a small intestine

What is a Queest?

A Queest is also known as the European Ringdove or Cushat. Queest's are small dove's that have grey-blue feathers and black rings around their necks.

How do you say small feathers in Japanese?

小さい羽 (chiisai hane) may be used to mean 'small feathers' in Japanese.

Does a wren have feathers fins or fur?

feathers - it's a small bird found in UK and Europe