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Q: What will happen if the tertiary consumer dies in a food chain?
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How is food chain destroyed?

When the producer or consumer or in fact anything in it dies out or is removed then the food chain is destroyed.

What are primary consumers in the tropical rainforest?

Primary consumers are all the same even if they're in the oceans, rain forests, deserts, and arctic tundras. Primary consumers are animals that eat plants, so basically they're herbivores. They get the energy from the plants, and a secondary consumer (a animal that devours a primary consumer), comes along and consumes the primary consumer. After that, a "tertiary consumer" (an animal that eats the secondary consumer and barely has any predators), comes along and consumes the secondary consumer. Well, let's say that the tertiary consumer was a cougar. Since rarely any animals try and hunt the cougar, a "decomposer" comes along. A decomposer is any size, like an earthworm could be a decomposer, a hyena, and a vulture. Decomposers are animals (some are, but others could be fungi, moss or mold) and when the tertiary consumer dies, a decomposer comes and "breaks down" the tertiary consumer. I don't know what eats a decomposer (I think birds probably eat earthworms), so really decomposers are at the end of the food chain, and the producers (plants), are at the beginning. I hoped this helped ♥

What happens to energy as it flows through a food chain?

It keeps going until the consumer dies and decomposers take it down or when the food chain is removed or added to. It stays the same as long as nothing eats it

What happens when a first order consumer dies?

It messes' up the whole food chain or web. It could lead to extinction, and that could hurt all organisms,

What happens to a food chain if the final consumer dies?


What is the food chain for a buffalo?

the bullalo eats the grass the humen eats the buffalo and when the humon dies it turs in to soial andd the soial is turner in to grass

Is a piranha a consumer or producer?

The Great white Shark is a consumer and is a top carnivore. No animal can prey on it except decomposers when the shark dies.

Why is food chain important to the living things?

If one animal in the food chain dies, all other above it dies, and the animals below flourish, but eventually die from overpopoulation

Is a lion a producer or consumer?

A live lion is a consumer. When it dies, its body sort of becomes a producer as it returns to the soil to provide nutrients to plants and bugs - or gets eaten by other consumers.

What is going to happen to Hollyleaf?

She dies

What food chain does the Chimpanzee fit into?

Chimpanzees are eaten by leopards, chimpanzees are in the middle of the food chain, they are omnivores so they can eat either fruits, insects or little mamals. You need to make up a food chain with this information told, with the animals you want. for example: 1 producers(it can be grass)..then a primary consumer that can be a (rabbit), then the chimpanzee (secondary consumer,) and then the leopard eats the chimpanzee, later when the leopard dies a vuilture(decomposer) eats the leopard.

What must happen if a population grows larger than the carrying capacity?

There isn't enough food, things die from starvation, then the whole food chain gets messed up and everyone dies.