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If we didn't have decompsers then everything below it in the food chain would be dead by now. The plants and insects that eat the plants. and the animals that eat the plants. but it the animal dies there wouldn't be decomposers to finish them. Which later then starve the carnivores. The grass will be overgrown and insects will produce drastically

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13y ago
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12y ago

the people will die and so as the animals and plant.

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8y ago

We would be at least knee deep in dead things.

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12y ago

We'd be knee-deep in dead dinosaurs!

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Q: What would happen if we did not have decomposers?
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What would happen to the fertility of a soil of all decomposers were removed?

if all the decomposers were removed the fertility would wouldnt grow :)

What would happen if the fertility of a soil if all decomposers were removed?

if all the decomposers were removed the fertility would wouldnt grow :)

What would happen to fertility of a soil if all decomposers were removed?

if all the decomposers were removed the fertility would wouldnt grow :)

What would happen if decomposer were too many?

If there were too many decomposers in the world, the decomposers would begin to die. Too many or too few decomposers would harm the food chain.

What will happen if there were no decomposers?

life would end bcoz there is a cycle in degeneration and regeneration of life so when there will be no decomposers <no cycle in turn no life!

What will happen in the absence of decomposers?

The world would soon be covered in dead organisms.

What would happen is decomposers vanished from the earth?

our earth would be stinky dirty there would be dead animals everywhere

What do you think would eventually happen if there were no decomposers?

Without decomposers, dead leaves, dead insects, and dead animals would pile up everywhere. Imagine what the world would look like!

What would happen if all the fertility of a soil if all the decomposers were removed?

plant growth would be affected.

What would happen to the living organisms when decomposers fail to function?

Earth would be filled with dead organisms.

What would happen to the plant population if the number of decomposers decreased?

The plants would not have enough nutrients from the soil because the decomposers are not around to decompose dead things and get the nutrients back into the soil.

What would happen if decomposers were not at the end of all food chains?

If decomposers were not t the end of all food chains then the food chains would not be able to work. This is because the nutrients would not be returned to the producers.