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Usually between six months and a year old, but it is different for each dog.

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Q: When do dogs start 2 come in to season for the first time?
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Related questions

What age do dogs come into first season?

about 6 months, and every 6 months after that until the age it goes through the menopause

How often will your puppy come into season?

Female dogs usually come into season every 6 months but it can vary from dog to dog.

How long are dogs in season for?

The smaller breeds of dogs tend to have their first estrus cycle at an earlier age, while the large and giant breeds of dogs may not come into heat for the first time until they reach eighteen months to two years of age

When will your border collie come into season?

Most dogs come into season approximately every six months (twice a year) but for some dogs it can be one to four times a year.

Can a 7 month chihuahua have a period?

Yes, Dogs come into season between 6-12 months of their first year. So this time is very normal.

What age are dogs when they first come into season?

6 months. They should be spayed or neutered by this time to prevent additional complications during surgery, if you choose to do so.

When do dogs first start eating?

they first start eating when they have their teeth fully grown out

Where did dogs first start showing?

Dogs will start to show during their first month of pregnancy. Dogs will often nest when they are close to their due date. Watching the dog's behavior is key.

How long does a female dog in season last?

The female dogs come in to season or heat twice a year. Each season last fiive to 10 days.

When do you know when your mini doxie is ready to mate?

Most dogs come into season/heat every six months for 10-14 days. Your dog will start bleeding and will repeatedly lick itself. Dogs are often very touchy and react out of character at this time. Some dogs will become more aggressive to other dogs at this time also.

What are the symptoms of female puppies in season?

The girl puppies will start acting strange then the boy dogys will start to follow them  and the girl dogs whine and the boy dogs grunt so that's how u know

Did mammoths come first before dogs?

Mammoths were living before wolves were domesticated into dogs.