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The puppies start moving on week 8 of the pregnancy as the begin to get in place for birth.

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Q: When do the puppies start moving in the womb?
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Related questions

How small are puppies in the womb?

so tiny its a spece

Where are the puppies located in the female dogs body?

In the womb where else!

Do puppies always move in womb?

There sleeping

How soon can you feel puppies move in the womb?

You should be able to feel the puppies move at around 6 1/2 weeks during gestation.

When a dog is pregnant should the puppies be moving a lot?

What you are probably seeing is the uterus flexing its muscles to tone up to get ready to have puppies. You will see a rippling along the sides of the female dog. That is not puppies moving but the uterus toning up.

Why can a dog have so many pups?

Dogs have so many puppies because 1. Dogs don't live as long as people do, so a dog will need more "replacements" then people do. 2. Dogs can hold more puppies inside of their womb than people can hold infants in their womb.

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Why do babies ball up inside the womb?

babies ball up while in the womb because there is not much moving space and it then seems to be a bigger space if they are smaller.

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What is the green liquid expelled when puppies are born?

The black fluid that is released from a dog after giving birth to puppies is the placenta. It typically has a greenish hue.

When can you take your dog out after having puppies?

You can start taking puppies from their mom at 7 to 12 weeks.

When you are in the womb are you a girl and then do you turn into a boy?

Its spelt womb and no. Your a human without any defined features to determine your sex. As the human spends longer in the womb their features start to define.