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i've raised tadpoles since i was a little girl and you DO NOT remove them from water you keep them in water until they are ready to come out. if you can see little legs growing then make sure you have some sort of land within the tank or pool you are keeping them in but when they are ready to come out of the water they will come out themselves.

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17y ago
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11y ago

I was told so many different things from pet stores it wasn't funny. By my experience. I changed my 30 gallon tank about every 4-6 months. The water is crystal clear at all times. I run TWO filter stones, moves the water more and filters it more to help keep tank cleaner. Couple things I learned that work for me. I feed them every 3-5 or 4-5 days Pretty much when I think of it. I get them dried worms, which the bigger ones love. Tropical flakes, and algae waffers, the silver dollars fight over the wafers. Note: If you feed them every day you will have way to much poop (ammonia) and they will die. I have gold fish in with tropical fish, algae eater, cat fish, silver dollars, angel fish. I use to have sharks in with them too.

I take the filter out about every 2 wks, spray with shower head has more force. I can do that maybe 4 times, you will see when its dirty and wont wash out. Tank change, spray out filter, used one, put back in, I take out all plants and big rock shake off, stir up tank,let the tank settle for couple hours. Take out dirty filter rinsed one more time. I drop water little more than half, vacumn down into rocks pulls out all the yuk, wash all plants, rocks, filter assy, top ...... everything. I always add warm warm water, keeps stress down. PUT NEW FILTER IN. Feed them in 3 to 4 days. Every time i test, Im good. Never have any health problems etc. I brought new fish home one time, they all got ick real bad, I dropped down 1/4 way added hot water, ick was gone in 2 days, no one died.

These things work for me, everyone is different and does stuff different.

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12y ago

Your rabbit should have water available AT ALL TIMES. The water bottle should always have water in it. If you see it running low, fill it up! The bottle should NEVER EVER be empty, as rabbits can dehydrate very easily.

The water should also be fresh. If rabbits aren't drinking lots of water, they're at greater risk of digestion and kidney problems. Stale water is not tasty and your rabbit won't want to drink it. Also, if it's in a bowl, the water can gather dust and fur, which isn't good for the rabbit to drink.

Water bowls should be washed with soap and hot water every day. The water should be replaced once a day or whenever you notice it's dirty.

Water bottles should be washed with soap and water every 1-3 days. You can get special brushes that have two ends: one for the bottle, one for the nozzle. Washing is necessary to get rid of bacteria. Look at the water quality daily: if you notice algae, you'll need to wash the bottle more frequently. (Algae growth rates depend on your water source.)

In hot weather you should change the water more frequently, or refresh it with ice-cubes, so that it stays cold/cool and helps keep the rabbit comfortable. And if the rabbit lives outdoors in cold weather, check it often to make sure it isn't frozen over.

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15y ago

it depends on what kind of fish you have.if its a goldfish every month will do.

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13y ago

You don't need to change the pond water for the tadpoles.

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11y ago

Every time it gets dirty, which will happen pretty often. You will want to check both water and food every 2-3 hours during the day, and for the first 2 weeks once during the night.

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12y ago

a tadpole can come out of its water tank when its fully grown into a frog

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6y ago

It depends mostly on the size of the container and what else is in it.

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6y ago

at least once a week

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Q: When does a tadpole need to get out of the water tank?
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How do you clean a tadpole habitat?

you take out the tadpole out of the container fast and put it in another container with water, then you just clesn it out and then put it back in with water

How do you take care of a tadpole?

Purchase or assemble a small aquarium, of at least 5 gallons. Get a small, preferably internal filter. Dechlornate and age (24 hours at least) the water, and fill the tank about 1/2 -2/3 full of water, preferably using some water from the pond/lake where the tadpole came from. Feed the tadpole spirulina flake food that can be found at pet stores. You can find all the materials you need at Keep it in a medium sized tank, a goldfish tank would do fine. You do not have to have a filter like fish do, but clean the water whenever it gets murky and smelly. The water MUST be dechlorinated. If not, the chlorine particles can kill your tadpole. Squirt in some dechlorinating droplets and wait 24 hours (1 day). If you have no dechlorinating droplets you can just leave the water out in the light and wait 5 days. DO NOT keep your tadpole in the pond water you got it from if the water is dirty or murky. If the pond is clean, you should STILL dechlorinate it, just in case. If you got it from a pond, take some of the pond weed too. It'll help oxygenate the water. Tadpoles eat all sorts of things: egg yolk, meat, scrambled eggs, fish food, lettuce, spinach, dog food, and each other! Don't overfeed or the water will get dirty and you'll have to clean it more often. When the tadpole is starting to get legs, put a big rock in the tank (the tip should be above the water), and a long, clean stick. This will give the tadpole something to climb on when they become froglets.

What are the functions of a tadpole's tail?

I think a frog need a tail to swim and for balance!

Why do frogs species enter water to reproduce?

Frogs' eggs, or frogspawn, need water or they will dry out and die. The eggs of a frog do not have a solid, protective covering like birds' eggs or reptiles' eggs do, so laying them in water preserves the developing tadpole from dehydration.

Where do tadpoles go to change into frogs?

over time from the day the tadpole is born it changes into a frog. when they are a tadpole they live in the water until they are a complete frog. then the adult frog lives on land from now on