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No that is just how he gets a grip of her and won't let her leave till he is finished. He doesn't care about babies, he is just breeding her.

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Q: When that male rabbit humps the girl rabbit while pulling off her fur does that mean that they want to have babies?
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Can a rabbit breed while she is pregnant?

no,because it could kill the babies inside her

Can mama rabbit get pregnant while being pregnant?

No! But they can get pregnant as soon as they have babies.

How rabbits have babies?

The first sign of a rabbit having her babies is when she starts to pull out her fur and make a small nest....then the rabbit will stay in the nest for a while...if u want u can look but do not touch the babies...if u touch them they will get ur sent and she will kill them

Is there anything you can do while a rabbit is giving birth?

Absolutely not! If you mess with the Mommie rabbit while she is giving birth, she can bite you, and she will be agitated enough to jump around and hurt the babies. Sticking hands in the cage can cause the mom to give birth to stillborn babies, and after birth the Mommie rabbit may decide not to take care of her babies if she is upset enough. Rabbits are one animal where nothing good comes from interfering.

Is it normal for your rabbit to have only 3 babies?

Depends on the breed of rabbit you have and how old it is. Some smaller rabbits can have 2 while bigger rabbits can have 21. My rabbit is 2yrs old, medium sized, californian x lop dwarf and has about 8 babies.

How do dromedary camel and a bactrian camel conserve energy while moving?

They conserve energy by storing fat in their humps.

Can a pregnant rabbit live with a non pregnant rabbit?

Its not a good idea Every rabbit should have it's own cage and a pregnant doe not only needs her own cage and nest box but peace and quiet. Having a non pregnant doe in with her would cause too much confusion. The non pregnant doe could jump in and out of the nest box stomping the babies or cause the doe to stomp her own babies by jumping in and out of the box herself while trying to protect them from the other doe. Does will fight, pulling fur, slitting each others ears and scratching eyes.

Can you clean out rabbits while pregnant?

yes you can but you can not pick the rabbit up while it is pregnant because you will hurt its stomach. If the rabbit has already had its baby and the babies are in a nest then you can not clean its hutch out until the baby rabbits are old enough to play out side .

How do Dromedaries and Bactrians conserve energy while moving?

They conserve energy by storing fat in their humps.

How do make bunnies?

You take a Mommy rabbit and a Daddy rabbit and put them in a cage with each other. Make sure they have plenty of food and clean water to nibble while they get to know each other, and maybe have the "Bunny Hop" playing softly in the background. Wait 31 days and most likely the Momma rabbit will have babies. There you go, bunnies!

What do you do if you didn't know your rabbit was pregnant?

has she had her babies or did u just look at her and realize it? if she already had her babies and u cant keep them, go to local business and ask the if u can post an aadvertisment about the babies and try to sell them. the mother rabbit should know how to take care of the babies on her own. DO NOT TOUCH THEM UNTIL THEY LEAVE THE NEST. feed them regular food with maybe some extra greens for nourishment. Hope this helps! ohhhhh! baby binnies are adorable. i had a litter a while ago. they were so cute! i kept the runt. oh. don't forget to get the male and female spayed and neutered. spay the female a while AFTER she gives birth though.

What are the chances of your rabbit dying while giving birth?

1 out of 125. It is rare that a rabbit dies while giving birth.