

Where do you find standard dachshunds?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Standard dachshunds are becominfg less and less common as the need for mini dogs arises. I have been able to locate several standards through the classified adds. Be sure to make sure they care for their dogs, and meet thr parents. good luck!

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Q: Where do you find standard dachshunds?
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Do dachshunds travel in groups?

Dogs are pack animals naturally, coming from their ancient wolf ancestors. I do not think that dachshunds have a much different behavoir, but I have noticed my dachshunds seems to like other dachshunds better than other breeds. If fact, the standard dachshund were breed to hunt in packs. Therefore, they are very content if they have other dogs to bond with. Since the miniature dachshund is derived from the standard, they also have the same temperament. They love to have other dogs around to bond with.

Can dachshunds have more than 10 puppies?

As Dachshunds are quite a small breed, this is unlikely. However you could expect a litter of between 3 and 7 - depending on whether you have a Standard or Miniature Dachshund.

What is the average life span of dachshunds?

Dachshunds are one of the longest lived breeds of dog in the World. The World's oldest living dog is a 22 year old Dachshund. Standard Dachshunds should live for over 10 years, and Miniatures should live over 15 years.

When was the dachshund discovered?

Dachshunds were first bred in the early 1600's in Germany to flush out badgers from their sets underground. At this time, Dachshunds had longer legs and were much more suited to being a working breed than the show standard Dachshund of today.

What information do you have about Dachshunds?

There is a wealth of information available on dachshunds on the link below.

How long have dachshunds been on earth?

Shorthaired and Longhaired Dachshunds had appeared in Europe since the 15th century, and Wirehaired Dachshunds were first bred in 1790.

Are dachshunds better than beagles?

There is no way to answer this question without a personal opion, I have a Dachshund/Beagle mix and my dog is amazing. Both breeds are hunting usually dachshunds are a little bit small for standard and even smaller than that for mini. It depends on your personal need of one

How can I locate a pet sitter in my area?

Where could I find a pet sitter for my dachshunds? I live in Northern Tennessee.

What is the size of a standard dachshund?

The dachshund breed comes in two sizes that are registered by the american kennel club, standard and miniature. The miniature dachshund is identified by being 11 pounds or under at 12 months of age or older. The standard size is usually between 16 and 32 pounds. These two sizes are the only two sizes that dachshunds can be shown in but I have seen mini mini dachshunds around 6 or seven pounds and middle sizes that are 12-14 pounds. People sometimes call these middle sized dachshunds tweenies. I have a miniature dachshund at 10.5 pounds and a small standard dachshund at 15.5 pounds.

Why do people call dachshunds weenie or sausage dogs?

Because dachshunds have long bodies like frankfurters. They are adorably cute!!!!! I love my dachshunds! And because they have nothing better to do....

Do dachshunds have predators?


What do dachshunds look like?

Dachshunds are adorable. Long skinny short hot dog dogs :)