

Are dachshunds better than beagles

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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There is no way to answer this question without a personal opion, I have a Dachshund/Beagle mix and my dog is amazing. Both breeds are hunting usually dachshunds are a little bit small for standard and even smaller than that for mini. It depends on your personal need of one

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Q: Are dachshunds better than beagles
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Do dachshunds travel in groups?

Dogs are pack animals naturally, coming from their ancient wolf ancestors. I do not think that dachshunds have a much different behavoir, but I have noticed my dachshunds seems to like other dachshunds better than other breeds. If fact, the standard dachshund were breed to hunt in packs. Therefore, they are very content if they have other dogs to bond with. Since the miniature dachshund is derived from the standard, they also have the same temperament. They love to have other dogs around to bond with.

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Beagles chase animals. (rabbits,people,and squirrels)

What are all the dog breeds on nintendigs daschund and friends?

First of all you can only get Miniature Dachshunds, Golden Retrievers, Beagles, Pugs, Siberian Huskies and Shih Tzus, but you can unlock more breeds as you go through the game.