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Q: Which of these animals is generally diurnal takin bandicoot okapi fennec?
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Is a fennec a diurnal?

No the Fennec fox is active at night making it nocturnal. If it was most active during the day then it would be diurnal.

Is a fennec fox a carnivore?

No, the fennec fox is an omnivore as it eats both plants and animals.

Is the fennec fox a wild animal?

Yes, fennec foxes are wild animals.

Is a Fennec Fox omivore?

it is a carnivore

What other animals live near a Fennec Fox habitat and how are they alike?

what other animals live in the fennec foxs habitat.

What cute animals live in Africa?

Fennec foxes are adorable.

What are two animals from the deserts?

Dromedary camal, fennec fox.

are the fennec foxes hunted?

Yes fennec foxes are trapped and poached by hunters in North Africa and sold to the local fur trade and international pet trade. There are also animals that hunt fennec foxes.

What animals live in a hot climate?

camel,fennec,kangroo rat

What preys on fennec foxes?

Larger animals such as bigger dogs, and hawks

Do any nocturnal animals live in the Sahara Desert?

Yes, the fennec fox is one of them

Is the fennec fox a herbivore?

No, the fossa is a carnivore, and eat little animals and small monkeys.