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Q: Why OS a frog's stomach shaped and feel the way it is?
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Related questions

How is a frogs tongue shaped?

It is shaped that way. More pacific its the way it grows from a tadpole to a adult frog.

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A nice style makes you feel great. A new you is a way to be!

How does one know if he or she is in love?

He or she will know by the feeling in the pit of their stomach, they will get butterflies in their stomach. They will also know they are in love by the way the other person makes them feel.

Where is the frogs esophagus located?

Movement of food from oral cavity to stomach.Helps them swallow their food.Swallows the moves food toward the stomach by muscular peristaltic contractions and by the beating of cilia that line its internal surface.The function of a frog's esophagus is to transfer food down to the frogs stomach.the frogs esophagus is where food goes through before entering the stomach.the frogs esophagus moves food to the stomach by way of cilia.

Why do frogs have to jump when they are on land?

The way their legs are shaped doesn't really allow for walking. The front legs are much smaller than the rear legs, and would not bear the entire body weight of some frogs. The legs are built for jumping or swimming.

Can you be going in to labor with bad period pains in your stomach an back?

Yes, early labor can feel that way.

Why is a hierarchy shaped like a triangle?

Because they are shaped that way

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it is shaped that way because they then can grad things they what

Used to be able to drink like a champion but now i feel sick to my stomach after just a few shots i feel sick way before i get drunk.... what gives?

You should consult your physician.

How do boy frogs pee?

They pee the same way a girl does which is out of their butt because I have 8 frogs and they all pee the same way.

What state is shaped like an octoagon?

Utah is shaped that way

What causes a person to feel nauseous?

There are many things that can cause a person to feel nauseous. Pregnancy is one common cause. An upset stomach from something a person ate could make them feel that way. Motion sickness is another cause.