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I'm not sure why the giant otter is endangered i am doing a project so i was looking for the answer but no one knew so i decided to write this down to see if anyone could try to figure it out thank you

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Q: Why are Asian small clawed otters endangered?
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Are African clawed frogs endangered?

there are 20 spp. of Xenopus (african clawed frogs). Xenopus laevis (Common Clawed frog)is the most common and usually what is refereed to as the African clawed frog even though its only 1 spp. of clawed frog. This spp has been widely used as a research model as well as pet trade. Although most African Clawed frogs in the wild can be seen as at risk of endangerment, due to the fact that they are very region specific and limited to a small range, I believe only X.gilli (Cape Clawed frog) is officially endangered.

Are African clawed frogs vertebrates?

Yes, African clawed frogs are vertebrates. It was actually the first vertebrate to be cloned. The African clawed frog's front legs are small with unwebbed fingers.

Are octupus endangered?

The whole species of octopus is not entirely endangered, but there are some subspecies that are endangered, threatened, or close to being endangered: The Giant Octopus, a giant but gentle octopus, is listed as "Endangered" on the ICUN Redlist. The Pacific Northwestern Tree Octopus is not currently listed as endangered, but some people think that they should be because of their small numbers. There are probably many other endangered subspecies, but they are probably not as well known.

Are mouse deer endangered?

The mouse deer is endangered. This is due to loss of habitat and illegal poaching. A mouse deer and got it's name because it looks like a small deer.

What animals live in seaweed?

There are many small animals that live in seaweed. Invertebrates such as, bristle worms, scud, prawn, snails, and brittle stars feed on the seaweed. Sea stars, anemones, crabs, jellyfish, and other small fish live in seaweed.

Related questions

What kind of otters are there?

There are sea otters and other otters. In the category of "other" otters, you can include the North American River Otter, Giant Otter of South America, Asian small clawed otters, Congo clawless otters, Capr clawless otters, Southern river otters, hairy nosed otters, spot necked otters, neo tropical long tailed otters, and others I may fail to mention.

Could anyone tell me where I can go to pet otters in or near Indiana for a wedding gift to my future husband?

I think the North Georgia Zoo is your best bet. See the following: For $54/person, you can directly interact with Asian Small Clawed Otters.

Is the Asian small clawed otter a carnivore?

This species of otters is recorded as feeding mainly on invertebrates such as crustaceans and molluscs. However, they have also been seen to feed on vertebrates, in particular amphibians.

What is a Asian small-clawed otter scientific name?

The scientific name for the Asian small-clawed otter is Aonyx cinereus.

Is the Asian small clawed otter a vertebrate?

Yes, it is a vertabrate.It has a backbone.Part of the back bone is what forms the tail.

Are African clawed frogs endangered?

there are 20 spp. of Xenopus (african clawed frogs). Xenopus laevis (Common Clawed frog)is the most common and usually what is refereed to as the African clawed frog even though its only 1 spp. of clawed frog. This spp has been widely used as a research model as well as pet trade. Although most African Clawed frogs in the wild can be seen as at risk of endangerment, due to the fact that they are very region specific and limited to a small range, I believe only X.gilli (Cape Clawed frog) is officially endangered.

Does India have otters?

Two different species of otter inhabit India. The smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) lives in wet areas throughout most of India. The Asian (Oriental) small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinerea) can be found in select areas of southern and northern India.

Mammals that start with the letter a?

Here are some... aardvark antelope addax african lion asian elephant asian small-clawed otter african elephant arctic fox

The difference between large and small claw iguanas?

the large clawed iguana has large claws. the smalled clawed iguana has small claws. :)

What do Fat clawed hermit crabs eat?

they eat the same thing as a small clawed hurmit crab

Can you mix Clawed frogs with a small turtle?


How big is a small clawed otter?

your mumnvnfvk