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Im sure you mean why do boy dogs lift a leg and girl dogs don't. Well, the answer would be because if boy dogs tried to "go" without lifting their leg up they would just end up peeing on their leg. and somehow they know that they dont want that.

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Q: Why boy dogs lift a leg and boy dogs dont?
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Why doesnt your boy dog lift up his leg when he pees?

He is probably still too young most male dogs don't raise their leg to pee until they are about a year or so old

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because it is yellow and dogs lift their leg up when they pee.

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they have there thingy boy dogs left there leg so they do not pee oa there front paws

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Male dogs lift their leg so they can direct their urine to mark their territory. They will typically urinate on the side of a post, tree or whatever is available for them to leave their mark on.

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i dont know the official word for it but i call it the "superman", its when you lie on your stomach and then lift your legs and arms off the ground

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maybe maybe not but it depends on his leg strength

Do boy dogs put their leg up when their puppies?

no im pretty sure they do when they are a year old

On the sims pets 2 is there any way to tell the difference between a boy and a girl dog?

the way it goes to the bathroom,a boy will lift his leg,and a girl dosen't.

Why do you have pain in your back when you lift your leg?

no you will not be able to lift your leg with severe back pain, feel better...

Do male basset hounds lift their legs to pee?

Yes, this is a normal behaviour in adult male dogs. Sometimes male dogs that were neutered too early do not raise their leg to urinate, however.