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his leash was up

(his lease was up)

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His leash was up

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Q: Why did the professional dog walker go out of busiess?
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Why did the professional dog walker go out of business worksheet answer 13-15?

he lost his leash

What are the steps to be a dog grammar or a dog walker?

I'm not sure if you need a license or something to be a dog groomer, but if you want to be a dog walker you could make flyers or go door to door asking people if they need their dogs walked

Who needs a dog walker?

because people need to go some place and there dog might be really tired but you can't walk him at the time! So you call your dog walker then when your done with your job then you can spend time with your dog.

How do you be a dog walker and what age?

That depends on if you want to be a professional, or just do it on weekends. I'm 13 and I walk dogs when I need cash for the mall. As long as you can handle a large dog for your area (if you live in New York City, the dogs are going smaller than if you live in Miami) then you can probably be a dog walker. To be a dog walker, you should but signs up around your neighborhood or in the hallways of your apartment with your phone number, prices (I'd say about 3 dollars for a Chiwawa size dog, 5 for a Labrador sized dog, and 7 dollars for a dog that's bigger), and days that you can walk. You can also go around to people's door that you know have dogs and offer to walk them. If they dont feel like paying you for walking, and you dont know anyone that would pay, start walking for free until they offer to pay you. Adults get guilty eventually.

My dog is really fury can you give him a little hair cut?

Yes, you can but it is advisable that you go to a professional groomer if you want it to look nice and not be unpleasent for the dog.

How do you house train a one year old dog?

to train go to a professional trainer and take their tips

Can you be a dog walker when you 13?

Probably not, at least not for big or aggressive dogs. If a relative or neighbor has a small, friendly, very well-behaved dog, go for it. If it is a big, energetic retreiver or a muscular bull dog or pit bull, definitely not.

What nicknames does Des Walker go by?

Des Walker goes by Johnnie Walker Whisky.

What nicknames did Lillian Walker go by?

Lillian Walker went by The Dresden Doll, and Dimples Walker.

What nicknames does Rydrea Walker go by?

Rydrea Walker goes by Dre'.

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Walker Mahurin went by Bud.

What nicknames does Arnetia Walker go by?

Arnetia Walker goes by 'Neesh'.