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Ants are intelligent. They are like humans in some ways. One of the ways is that when they accumulate trash (including dead ants), they move it out of the colony. There is an exception... The European wood ant battles with other colonies in "bloody battles", where the victors take home the ants to feed on, (high source of protein or something...) To bury them. They actually have a cemetery .

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15y ago
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14y ago

Ants have different types of jobs. Some ants gather food, some ants dig tunnels, some ants carry the dead and waste products from their nests and put them in "dumpster" areas. The dead ants give off a certain chemical which attracts ants to carry the bodies to the dumpster area. They do this to keep their areas clean.

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3mo ago

Ants carry dead ants back to the colony to prevent the spread of disease. By removing the bodies, they prevent any pathogens from infecting others in the colony. Additionally, dead ants can serve as a valuable food source, recycling nutrients back into the colony.

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14y ago

yes... they have a wake first where they display the dead in a living room for close ant relatives and neighbours. then after a mourning period of 3 days they gather worker ants to dig a six foot grave in fields that more commonly contain skunks and ferrets. (something to do with the way the soil has been turned)... then they bury the ant, all his possessions and the scariest small child they have ever met... with a straw to breathe thru obvoiusly. (ants are very clever creatures arent they.) then they call in the flying ant squadron each carry 10 times their own body weight in soil to fill in the grave. after a settling period of 10 weeks, one single daisy is planted to mark the grave...

hope that helps. xx

You certainly know you're science. However, you failed to mention that only the rich (usually royalty- the queens and such) are buried properly- as you described. But, unfortunately for the workers and other laymen, they are simply thrown into shallow graves. Relatives are allowed to place a marker on the grave, but they are NOT allowed a daisy, which are only for royalty.

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13y ago

If there is a dead ant from their own colony, they will take it out of their territory and abandon them. If the ant is from a different colony, they will take it home for food.

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13y ago

Nope . normally they mourn their dead.but from what I've seen they don't.

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13y ago

they sometimes carry them away or they take them back to their nest. Leafcutter ants would chuck them in to some water

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15y ago

To bury them. They actually have a cemetery .

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10y ago

Ants will break down discarded fingernails and dead human skin and make it useful. They will likely eat the material once it has been broken down to particles.

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Aiden Cosgrove

Lvl 5
3y ago

turned together

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Q: Why do ants carry back to dead ants to the colony?
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How much weight can an ant can carry?

Ants can carry items 10 - 50 times their own body weight. Ants are small but they are very strong for their size. if you were that strong you could lift an automobile. the ants carry or drag heavy loads for food back to their nests. The food may be parts of plants or bits of dead animals.

How do ants get food?

Ants get food by foraging in their environment, searching for sources of food such as crumbs, dead insects, and plant materials. When they find food, they communicate its location to other ants in their colony through chemical signals called pheromones. The ants then work together to gather and transport the food back to their nest.

Are ants attracted to dead insects or alive insects?

actually both... most of them are...and do eat decaying and rotten insects and animals. some ants raid their surroundings looking for both living and dead animals. the farmer ants gather leaves but they do not eat it. they culture a certain fungi back in their house.

How do ants take in their food?

Ants get their food by sending out scout ants to find a food source. Once food is found ants us pheromones to alert others in their colony to where the food is. The ants follow this trail to the food source.

Why would you find a pile of dead ants and no live ants?

A possible explanation could be that the dead ants were exposed to a toxin, such as insecticide. If the live ants were able to detect the toxin and avoid it, they would not be present in the area where the dead ants are found.

Related questions

What are the decomposers of the ant colony?

The decomposers of the ant colony are the ants that eat the dead. Ants that die in the colony are fed to the decomposers and the queen ant. Ants are naturally decomposers because they feed off dead things.

Having observed time and again that carpenter ants carry away their crushed brethen always wonder what do they do with the bodies?

Generally speaking, ants will move the bodies of their dead to a sort of "garbage dump" on the outskirts of their colony where waste is also kept. The garbage dump ants (usually the eldest members of the colony) are hard-wired to carry the bodies here to decompose.

How much weight can an ant can carry?

Ants can carry items 10 - 50 times their own body weight. Ants are small but they are very strong for their size. if you were that strong you could lift an automobile. the ants carry or drag heavy loads for food back to their nests. The food may be parts of plants or bits of dead animals.

Do ants eat earthworns?

Ants will eat any living (or dead) thing they can bring into their colony even if they have to rip it apart alive. I've seen it.

How do ants get food?

Ants get food by foraging in their environment, searching for sources of food such as crumbs, dead insects, and plant materials. When they find food, they communicate its location to other ants in their colony through chemical signals called pheromones. The ants then work together to gather and transport the food back to their nest.

Are ants attracted to dead insects or alive insects?

actually both... most of them are...and do eat decaying and rotten insects and animals. some ants raid their surroundings looking for both living and dead animals. the farmer ants gather leaves but they do not eat it. they culture a certain fungi back in their house.

How strong are are ant?

AnswerAnts can lift 50 times their own weight. Ants are small but they are very strong for their size. If you were that strong you could life a car. The ants carry or drag heavy loads of food back to their nests. the food may be parts of plants or bits of dead animals.

What is common food for ants?

Ants are scavengers and therfore, ants eat things that are already dead such as dead insects.

How do ants take in their food?

Ants get their food by sending out scout ants to find a food source. Once food is found ants us pheromones to alert others in their colony to where the food is. The ants follow this trail to the food source.

Do ants eat dead mice- I found a dead mouse outside and tiny ants brought gravel bits and pebbles and surrounded the mouse...?

EH? what kind of question is dat?hahah!! it's dead, so obviously the ants will eat dead mice, any dead small animals will be eaten by ants..

Why would you find a pile of dead ants and no live ants?

A possible explanation could be that the dead ants were exposed to a toxin, such as insecticide. If the live ants were able to detect the toxin and avoid it, they would not be present in the area where the dead ants are found.

Do queens eat dead ants?

No. In colonies, there are special ants that have the job of disposing of deceased ants.